
dimanche 19 mars 2017

English archers in the Hundred Years War

Hi everyone. Today's pictures are about the Hundred Years War - too bad we remember this period in history because of a war between English and French...
Everyone knows about it: during the 14th and 15th century, a long war destroyed some part of western Europe because of a deep antagonism between the house of Plantagenet (the rulers of England) and the house of the Valois for the throne of France - a real war of succession.
In a military point of view, the initial english successes on the battlefield are partly due to the use of the longbow against undisciplined knights.

I began to paint archers for a DBA english HYW army some times ago. Today, the weather is good enough to take pictures with natural light, and for the first time, I didn't take the photographs myself. The photographer is now Hatshepju, my daughter, and here you are the result - I must say that I am very proud of her work :)

The English and Welsh archers

The various references are easily mixed

Even the old Airfix one fill the ranks

The Genoese crossbowmen try to respond

The english and french foot knights are fighting each other

The poor peasant levy are the first victims of the fight

Something like a (medieval) western duel
Several manufacturers were involved in this battle, no one was hurt :)
- English archers by Miniart, Revell, Italeri, Airfix and Zvezda
- Genoese crossbowmen by Italeri and Miniart
- English and French knights by Revell and Italeri
- French handgunners by Revell and Miniart
- English hobilars by Revell
- French peasant levy by Airfix (direct from the 70s, in yellow plastic :)), Zvezda, Strelets and Valdemar

Hope you like them :)

19 commentaires:

  1. Very nice. I´ve just started painting the new Strelets English Longbowmen..the sculpting is very good..only Problem The bows are Held in line with the Hand Holding them which makes adding bow strings very difficult

    1. I know that you are the sort of person that add stringbow when needed... I must admit that I don't even try :) I feel ashame when I look at your work :)

  2. J'aime beaucoup : superbes figurines, belle mise en scène, et si en plus personne ne fut blessé pendant cet épisode, c'est parfait...parfait!

    1. Merci bien. Le fait de changer de photographe donne un point de vue inhabituel, et le résultat est très chouette :)

  3. The paint job on the figures is amazing. Really well done.

  4. I'm finishing up a double list DBA English HYW army with a mix of figs. Yours are superb and the pictures are excellent.

    1. Hi Bruce! I hope you will publish a lot of pictures on your excellent blog :)

    2. Thanks. I intend to. I actually have a double DBA HYW English army, one primarily Zveda and the other Revell and Italeri. I kind of went nuts painting them! I have a few details to add and will post maybe comparing the two.

  5. As always congrstulations for an excellent figures and story!
    I am glad to realize that all those archers from different manufacturers and made durng last 20 years match so fine when placed together and with so good painting job

    1. Hi Sceavus, Thanks for passing by and writing a few words :)
      Yes, I am quite happy with the way they fit well with each other. So the endless discussions on various forums regarding the size of the minis and whether they can be put aside one another are not always relevant - the best is to try.

    2. Totally agree. Real life humans are also in different sizes. The point is to get an homogenous look by an smart ambientation and painting job. Or just opening mind and imagination :)

  6. Wow...fantastic.Realy good paint job.

  7. Mes commentaires à moi seront en français Phil. lol
    Superbes peinture de tes archers. Je réitère ma demande que je t'ai fais sur addict, ne pourrais tu nous ouvrir un topic sur addict, où tu nous montre également tes décors qui ont l'air superbe???

  8. Salut Brist! Ah mais j'aime bien le français moi :) pour les décors, je viens de répondre sur Addict, les maisons ont été achetées toutes faites alors je ne sais pas si ça justifie un topic :) mais si tu penses que oui, je le ferai volontiers

  9. hi
    klasse ritter
    sehen prächtig aus
    welche sätze sind das
    und welche noch
    auch bemalung der kleidung 1aaaaaa
