
vendredi 30 juin 2017

Late Imperial Roman Army III - The Victores Iuniores

The Auxilia Palatina

The Auxilia Palatina were part of the elite units of the Empire, the Palatini (see my second post related to the Late Roman Army). They were of a higher rank than the Comitatenses who were more ordinary soldiers.

The Victores Iuniores

The Victores Iuniores were an Auxilia Palatina unit. According to the Notitia Dignitatum, they were under the command of the count of Spain, or Comes Hispenias.
Their shield patterns showed a winged Victory, which evocates the name of the unit, Victores.

Note that the picture above mentions the name of the Bructerii, instead of the Victores Iuniores. It seems clear that the monks in charge of the copy of the original roman document made mistakes and that several names have been shifted from their original location (I have to thank Chariobaude who focused my attention on this point - have a look at his blog dedicated to the Late Roman army).

 And here are my interpretation of the soldiers, and of the shield - it was a challenge proposed by Chariobaude in a topic at Benno's Figures Forum.

As usual, hope you like them :)

21 commentaires:

  1. Once again great work. The shields are awesome. I'll bet it was a challenge!

    1. Thanks! you know, the first shield was easy to paint, and the next ones much more difficult because I didn't want to fail :)

  2. Les boucliers sont magnifiques, bravo pour ces nouveautés!

    1. Salut Phil et Merci! Désolé pour l'autre fois, je viens de répondre à ton commentaire dans le poste précédent. En outre, le boulot ne me laisse guère de temps en ce moment :(

    2. Pas de souci, une belle occasion de perdue mais ce n'est que partie remise!

  3. Non mais qu'est-ce qu'ils sont beaux !!! Je ne me lasse pas de les admirer ;-)

    1. Merci du commentaire, mais les tiens sont vraiment super chouettes aussi !

  4. herrliche bemalungen der figuren die schilde sehen top aus

  5. Is there anything you cant paint?!. Very, very nice indeed!.

  6. Great Painting,i especially admire the shields,BB

    1. Thank you Paul, always a pleasure to read from you. Sorry for the delay, really too much work these days...
