
dimanche 3 septembre 2017

I've almost forgotten...

... how to use brushes after my long summer break! No, my holidays didn't last for two months, I have been working most of the time, but I managed to take some days off, I will maybe write about it one of these days.

In the previous post, I wrote that the next unit on my todo list for my Late Imperial Roman army was a cavalry unit. Unfortunately, I had no time to paint a lot, but I could at least paint the first man as a test shot, and his horse of course :)

Here's the result:

Well... funny how fast you can lose your painting skills... and the pictures are not very good either, but I must admit that I wanted to write a post as soon as possible :) With autumn coming (not winter, not yet :)), I am likely to paint a little more.

16 commentaires:

  1. I agree entirely with "loosing painting skills"
    If I leave painting for two weeks then it seems as if I have forgotten how. Not only not painting at all but not painting a particular subject for a Long time. Example: I paint mostly medievals but I also like painting 18th century. For my recent ones (Indians and Trappers) it took a while to "remember" how to paint them and as for WWI´s been so Long since I made and painted one I don´t think I will ever be brave enough to try another.

    1. Hi Paul! I've seen your medieval bods and your Indians too, but I've not seen your planes, I will check on your blog :)

  2. Wow Phil, if thats what you can do after loosing your skills i cant wait to see what you can do when they come back!. That is a fantastic mini, nice job.

    1. Thank you, but I assure you, I found it difficult this time, the shield design in particular. Let's see if the next ones are better.

  3. herlliche figuren
    wie gewohnt von dir
    top bemalt

  4. Très beau retour, peinture et mise en scène!

    1. Un retour un peu paresseux, j'espérais en peindre 3 pour faire un élément DBA... mais bon, l'essentiel est de s'y remettre.

  5. Your return to to the brush looks brilliant to me!

    1. You're too kind Jonathan, I feel ashamed, compared to what you could achieve during the same period :)

  6. Any tips for shield painting? Do you paint shield while on sprue or at the same time you paint miniature?

  7. I paint the shield at the time I paint the man. If he is an infantryman, I stick him on a cork, and if he is a cavalryman, I put him on a toothpick. In this case I had no choice, the shield is not a separate part.

  8. aaaaaaaaaaaaah ! les Equites Constantiani Feroces ! Il est très beau, bravo ! J'ai prévu d'en faire 24 cet hiver, mais je ne sais pas quand. Comme toi, après cette longue période estivale, j'ai totalement perdu la main...

    1. Alors j'attends les tiens avec impatience... de mon côté je prévois d'en peindre au moins deux autres, peut-être trois de plus :)
      J'avoue que j'apprécie particulièrement le commentaire du comitatus tellement calé qu'il reconnait les unités à leur bouclier :)
