
mercredi 22 novembre 2017

DBA Gallic army

I've already written a couple of posts about Celtic warriors by Hät. The minis can be seen here (part I) and there (part II). But long before that, my brother and I painted a complete DBA Gallic army with Airfix, Revell and a few ESCI minis - and we used 15mm essex minis to represent cavalry, later replaced by Hät and Italeri minis. Years later, I also added a few Newline Design 20mm minis to fill the ranks.

I don't have the 15mm riders any longer, but I still have the 1/72 minis. I never finished to base them, but they have already seen action in several battles. And last week-end, I decided to complete the work in order to have a nice army to display.

Before adding some paint on them, I wanted to take pictures of the army in its actual state.
Here it is. The whole army:

On the front rank, the based elements, Psiloi on the left (Italeri minis), and command element on the right (from left to right: 3 Italeri men and one Newline Design). The skin color of some of them has to be redone.

 The warband elements: mostly Revell with a few Airfix and ESCI, all painted before I learned to paint shadows and highlights.

And at last, the cavalry elements. Hät figures on the left, Italeri and Newline Design on the right - my first highlight technique, before the washes.

As an army, they already look good. I won't repaint them all, but repair the broken bases, finish the to-do bases and add some contrast at least on the cavalry element.

More pictures to come to show you the result. Hope you like my old minis :)

18 commentaires:

  1. A lot of nostalgy here :)
    My old airfix and revell Gauls do not look very different from these.
    You have a lot of work here, good luck! The resultó will be for sure astonishing and encouraging for all lazy us :)

    1. Thank you Sceavus. I would be curious to see your own army :)

  2. Yes! One of my first childhood miniatures here :)

    1. I can say so only for the Airfix ones, the Revell arrived long after... to say the truth, they were unexpected at that period, a real chance for wargame players !

  3. Nos ancêtres ont l'air féroce, colorés et superbes guerriers...une réussite!

    1. Je ne sais pas si des pygmées en plastique de 20mm de haut font partie de mes ancêtres :D
      Merci de ton commentaire toujours bienvenu !

  4. Nice figures beautifully colorful

  5. I really like these phil, great looking army you have there.

    1. Thank you, hope it will look better when the job is finished :)

  6. Réponses
    1. Thanks Tony ! Having seen your own armies, I must say that I appreciate your compliment.

  7. das ist x ein richtiges heer
    klasse arbeit
