
jeudi 4 janvier 2018

Late Imperial Roman Army V - The Equites Constantiani feroces

Hi, and happy new year everyone!

I have not been very active on the blog, but I managed to paint a little more at the end of 2017 and the first days of 2018, and I have been brave enough to paint horses (something I am usually afraid of :) ).

Last september, I showed the first rider of a unit of equites in this post. I added three more riders, so that I have an complete element, and the first rider of the command element - I will add a banner and a general.

Here you are the minis (Hät Late Roman Medium cavalry):

If you remember, I wanted to represent a western Late Roman army, so I chose a unit from the gallic command of the master of Horse in the roman army. This unit are the Equites Constantiani feroces, the ninth of the vexillationes comitatenses (i.e. a cavalry unit of the field army) in the Magister Equitum's cavalry roster (see Luke Ueda-Sarson's website for explanations about units listed in the Notitia Dignitatum).

Their shield pattern is as follow:

And this is how I painted it on oval shields:

These men are part of a regular unit, so they are well equipped, but not too uniformed and I tried to paint them with variants in color and equipment.

Hope you like them :)

Next unit very soon: the horse archers, or Equites sagittarii (this blog will soon become a Latin course !).

22 commentaires:

  1. Très beau boulot, et ces boucliers ovals (ovaux?)...bref, de forme ovale sont magnifiques!

    1. Merci Phil! Cette armée est un prétexte pour peindre des boucliers :)

  2. A very nice work Phil!! I like the way you made them individually different inside the same unit, it looks correct for an ancient army, even by an elite unit like these!
    They look impressive with those nice horse armours

    1. Thank you Sceavus! Yes, I must convince myself that uniforms are a modern concept, and that even roman armies were probably less uniformed than what we believed.

  3. Fantastic! They look really really good!

    1. Thank you Nick! Are there enough late imperial Romans to match your hoplites ?

  4. Superbe mise en peinture de ces cavaliers lourds. Les boucliers sont magnifiques !

    1. Merci Stefan! J'ai vraiment pris plaisir à les peindre, ces boucliers :)

  5. Fantastic as always!. I love the shields.

  6. klasse farben
    nartürlich stop pferde sehen stark aus und richtig schöne farben passt super zusammen

  7. Yes ,I have a set of these figures painted for my late Roman collection but my paint job is nowhere as good as this,, well done

    1. Thank you. I would be curious to have a look at your figures, are they on display somewhere on the web ?
