
mercredi 31 janvier 2018

Mayan slingers

One of the projects of the year is to paint a Mayan army for DBA / AdG (l'Art de la Guerre, a very promising ruleset, I must test it as soon as possible).

I already painted two slingers some time ago, but it was before I learned to use the washes to speed the process of painting. I recently painted a third one with that more recent technique (recent for me, I mean). The result is visible on the pictures below, what do you think ?

In my opinion, the contrast is much better with the new technique, and more efficient in a battle scene.

I can't wait to keep on painting this army: with their colored feathers and their leopard skins, they might become one of the jewels of the collection :), and I would really like to use them against my Aztec army.

Minis by Caesar (the best manufacturer concerning the anatomy), pictures by my daughter Hatshepju !

PS: Oh yes, the plastic plants are a poor attempt at creating a tropical forest atmosphere. I visited Yucatan some years ago, I know what it should look like :)

25 commentaires:

  1. Très chouettes ces figurines, et la présentation est à la hauteur. Je préfère la nouvelle technique, les contrastes sont superbes...

    1. Je préfère aussi, c'est plus sympa et plus rapide à faire.

  2. Great painting Phil. Caesar do make exceeding nice miniatures.

    1. Thank you Maudlin. I agree, Caesar minis are among the best, too bad that the weapons bend so much

    2. Heilung - they are different. Interessant.

    3. They are indeed, and I am going to see them during the next Hellfest in June :)

  3. Both versions, new and old, are Really good.

  4. You really brought those minis to life. I agree about ceaser, really good sculpts especially the proportions. Looking forward to the rest of this project.

  5. You really brought those minis to life. I agree about ceaser, really good sculpts especially the proportions. Looking forward to the rest of this project.

  6. Bien,il n'y a pas photo la nouvelle technique permet de mieux contraster les couleurs ! Sinon superbe ces Caesars.

  7. You sure nailed the skin tone! Well done Phil.

  8. Yes the newest chap has more 'pop'. Great scene and interesting subject Phil!

    1. Thank you Tony. After the Mayas, I would to repaint my Aztec army, paint some Tlaxcaltecs to fight them, then paint an Inca army too. Precolombian civilizations are highly interesting !!

  9. Beautiful painting and nice and not usual subject! I see you jump also from universe to universe so easily, very good
    Too humble to start with poor slingers, you should have go direct to the noble colored feathered warriors :)
    Technique is very good as usual, It is difficult for me really to distinguísh on el style from another and they both work. I also prefer washes as it is like magic: so fast and so good result

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Sceavus, as you say yourself, it helps :)
      Any figure is difficult to paint, and I always think that the result might be a disaster - nothing is easy.

  10. Very nice! What washes did you use?

    1. Thank you Nick! I use GW washes, mostly:
      - Dark brown (Agrax Earthshade) for metal, most clothes, and dark skin, the one I used in this case
      - Red wash for the light skin
      - Black wash on dark blue, metal

  11. hi
    liebe die malerei von dir
    vorallem die hautöne
    sind die besten die ich sehe
