
dimanche 21 janvier 2018

Musician of the month: Egyptian drummer

Hi everyone! In this rainy Sunday afternoon, nothing better than to paint a figure related to warmth and sun. I also would like to challenge myself once again (2017 saw a complete failure, only 5 guys instead of 12): to paint a musician each month.

So, a musician under the sun ? The best would be an Egyptian drummer, for my New Kingdom army !

Ecce homo (after a famous Angus McBride illustration, no doubt):

And to show that he doesn't play alone in the desert,  a family picture (me, seating on the left :))

Hope you like him. I must say that the Caesar range is a real pleasure to paint.

18 commentaires:

  1. Très réussi, les armées et processions vont pouvoir suivre sa cadence...

    1. J'ajouterai quelques harmoniques avec le joueur de cor, à venir

  2. Aha!! Now I see how you can paint small are the same size as the bods!!!! :-)

  3. Cool minis and cool paint job !! Congratulations

  4. Looks so good! Which tone do you use for Egyptian skin?

    By the way it seems that the royal guard wants to mess with you..did you talk to the royal wifes without decore??

    1. I used GW Mournfang Brown, enlighted with GB Bronze flesh (old name). Not the same colors as usual, which is why he is a bit darker - I need a variety in flesh tones.
      Concerning the royal guard, he didn't know anything before YOU spoke !! Sceavus, the name of a roman spy I think :D

    2. Actually Sceavus means "left handed"...that is always confusing for friend and foe :)

  5. You've got painting this scale down to a fine art. Excellent work 🖒
