
dimanche 25 mars 2018

Napoleonic French line infantry

Hi! I'm still in the mood to paint some Napoleonics, and I'm trying to be a bit more productive. So less time on the details, and three or more foot soldiers at a time.

I wanted to test that method on french infantry, and I've painted troopers with two different uniforms, first for the 1808-1812 period, then the Bardin uniform.

For the 1808-1812 period, I've painted a grenadier and two fusiliers, here they are:

I wish to represent soldiers in campaign. Not sure that it is a good idea to give them trousers of the same color, it is too uniformed, I will add some variety for the next figures. They are Hät minis, from set 8095 1808-1812 French Line Infantry.

For the 1812-1815 period, I've painted one grenadier, three fusiliers and one voltigeur, as you can see below:

There are different colors for the trousers this time, does it look ok ? They are also Hät minis from sets 8041 French Line Fusiliers, and 8042 French Light Infantry (used to represent grenadiers and voltigeurs).

What do you think of them ?

21 commentaires:

  1. What do I think of them? Splendid painting!

  2. Mise en scène et figurines, tout est magnifique!

    1. Merci Phil, ça reste très modeste en regard de tes réalisations!

  3. The level of detail is stunning on these, great job!

  4. Lovely figures Phil - I also like the tiles on the building in the background; very effective.

    1. Thank you Maudlin! I don't deserve anything regarding the house, I bought it already assembled and painted :)

  5. Réponses
    1. Thank you Bruce, I find them too clean and too uniformed, I will changed that in the next future!

  6. Magnifique comme d'habitude, le tas de bois fait très campagne d'Allemagne en 1813.
    Et le musicien du mois, ça avance ? Il te reste moins d'une semaine !

    1. Bonne remarque! Le musicien du mois est sous-couché et c'est tout :( Mais bon, j'ai un gros truc demain au boulot (qui m'a pris beaucoup de temps de préparation), et après ça devrait aller mieux, enfin j'espère.

  7. Excellent, you have again brought the best out of the figures

    1. Thank you! Not sure if it is the best, but I appreciated to paint them

  8. hi
    die sehen klasse aus
    schöne saubere bemalung

  9. The details are stunning! Excellent work !
    I'm not an excpert for this period but they
    look superb to me..:)
