
samedi 14 avril 2018

Mousquetaire du Roy

Just a test shot today, my first attempt at painting a French King's musketeer in Louis XIII's service.
You can see him standing in front of an inn, with a bottle of wine in his hand, ready to fight nevertheless.

Some closer pictures:

This guy comes from Ultima Ratio set UR011 Musketeers of the King of France. He proved very interesting to paint, and I tried to represent the different materials as well as possible: leather, metal,  feather, glass bottle...
I will try to paint his friends and opponents in the next days.

Hope you like him :)

23 commentaires:

  1. I do like him! Excellent brushwork with the shading and highlighting.

    1. Hi Jonathan, thank you for commenting. I spent more time in this mini than on the previous one, I am rather happy with the result.

  2. Du bon vin (français j'imagine) dans une main, une lame effilée dans l'autre, on sent la protection de Louis XIII magnifique et assurée...très joli bâtiment par ailleurs...

    1. Merci Phil. Le bâtiment abritant Louis XIII incognito (d'où le garde à la porte), il se doit d'être à la hauteur :)

  3. Great painting. Now..should I buy These sets (if only for the females) or not?
    They should bring out a another set in Shirt sleeves, then I´d get them and make them into characters from the flashing Blade (Le Chevalier Tempête) series

    1. Thank you Paul. I intended to send you a couple of these, together with the zombie dogs. I am on holiday tomorrow, I will go to the post office.

    2. OoH! I look Forward to the postie´s footsteps......actually, she rides a bike and I´m usually at work when she arrives but it´s still a nice thought :-) Happy Holiday.
      That reminds me...Les vacances de Monsieur Hulot. Le Chevalier Tepete and Les vacances de Monsieur Hulot ? ..I think I´m giving away my love of 50/60´s French Film :-)

    3. Great, I am happy your read my answer. I wrote you a PM at Benno's to say the package is sent, but not sure I did it properly. And I just saw the extract you've posted in "it's a laugh", I like Jacques Tati's film, particularly Mon Oncle.

  4. A very nice work on that musketeer. The bod looks great!

    1. Thank you Hightower, I begin the next one this afternoon.

  5. Phil, really nice musketier!! Paint also dome of the beauties included in the set, please!!!

    1. I first bought the sets for the ladies, too rare in the 1/72 ranges, and yes, I planned to paint to paint them all.

  6. Looks great! Such nice shading in the clothing.
