
jeudi 4 octobre 2018

Musician of the month: Gallic Carnyx player

I'm back in Ancients these days. After the Germanic warband, I found inspiration to paint a Gallic warrior that was on my desk for... years.
It's the problem with Celts: you cannot just paint them, you have to cover their clothes with tartan patterns, and since they were sort of individualist, you cannot paint the same pattern twice !!

So, what does our mini look like ?

Nothing extremely original here, but the combination of green and red (complementary colours) is always nice to see. And NO, I didn't even try to add another tartan pattern on the trousers :)

Maybe you ask yourself: what sort of thing the carnyx might be ?

The carnyx is a celtic wind instrument from the iron age. It was a sort of trumpet made of bronze, and was used on the battlefield to frighten the enemies before the clash (according to Polybius).
According to the Gundestrup cauldron (a richly decorated silver vessel dating from the Celtic era, and found at Gundestrup in Denmark), it looked like that:

And according to modern reenactors (from the french blog Les Lemovices en fête):

I never heard someone playing the carnyx, did you ? Must be a little monotonous, don't you think ?

Hope you like this little musician :)

22 commentaires:

  1. superbe figurine, il manque plus que le son!

    1. Merci. Tiens oui, il faut que je regarde si on peut ajouter des liens vers des enregistrements musicaux, ce serait rigolo.

  2. Ah! Le musicien du mois 😀🎺
    Le tartan est très réussi

  3. The plaid work on this musician is fantastic, Phil!

  4. Great work and figure! The cloth painting
    is awesome!!

  5. Great Tartan. I´ve heard a carnyx played...not at all monotonous...;-)

  6. Excellent work all round, the cloak and the tunic are spot on!

  7. Brilliant work on the tartan. Great to see the musician of the month back!

    1. Thank you. Yes, I appreciate to paint not only warriors. Maybe I will add the civilian of the month ? The animal of the month ? ;)

  8. SUperbe, mention spéciale pour le tartan...

  9. Beautiful gaul! Totally agree about celtic patterns: they mean always a lot of work!!!

    Funny that the colours you chose are the same in our typical cloth in Zaragoza (Spain) durng this feastly weak till 14th oct!
