
dimanche 22 septembre 2019

The Mummy returns

An update on this blog, at last!

I must explain that I wasn't interested in figures any longer. I have been away from the community for almost 9 months, which has given me a lot of time for other hobbies, such as collecting Japanese woodblock prints, or playing music in a small band.

Since I was away, I didn't even visit the blogs of my fellow figure painters - I hope you don't hold it against me too much. Well, it seems that a break was necessary.

A few days ago, I had a look at Benno's, and I discovered that Dark Alliance was about to release a set of Mummies. Mummies ? That was completely unexpected (at least to me)... but absolutely necessary for a painter whose nickname's Philotep :)

So I left a very small comment at Benno's, ordered this set as soon as I could, received the package a few days later, opened the box with excitement (a feeling long gone), and begun to paint the first minis this afternoon.

The first mummy is finished, I have taken a few pictures so that I can show you. Here you are:

Well, not my best, but I haven't touched a paintbrush for a long time. And I had difficulties removing the mold lines - something I have never been good at, but it is obvious that I must change my blade.

Some other mummies are on their way. I will take time to finish them properly, take better pictures, and write a small review about this set.

Hope you like this one anyway :)

18 commentaires:

  1. Great to have you back sir!. I have been looking at this set myself ( So it is great to see a painted example, done very nicely I may add, the shading on the bandages looks great. I will be interested in seeing more.

    1. I think you should buy some, that's a set any fantasy wargamer should get! And I discovered that there were some painted stuff on your blog, so... give it a try :)

  2. Magnifique Philotep! Le Monstre se reveille..

    1. Merci Maudlin! Le monstre de la lenteur sans doute :D

  3. Welcome back! The Mummy Returns is perfect!

    1. Thank you Jonathan! Not that perfect, but comment appreciated :)

  4. Le retour de la momie, c’est pas un filme ça ?
    Le lames ça s’aiguise au papier de verre très fin, c’est plus économique.
    C’est pas mal pour un retour.

    1. Merci bien. Le tuyau pour la lame, je note, quel grain ?

  5. The mumy returns sounds so perfect!
    Happy to see you around Phil, nice mummy and keep on enjoying any hobby you have, that means enjoying life in every way

    1. I had to go away for months, just to write a title like that :) Thank you Sceavus, happy to be back.

  6. I love it.
    If You like Mummies, You should look for Arcane Legions Egyptians.
    Elhiem Miniatures also has one simple mummy.

    1. Thank you for your comment and for the tip. I thought these minis were all sold for a long time, but I checked on ebay, and yes, it would be a great addition to this army.

  7. Wow, you're back from the dead! (Like a mummy one could say :))

    1. Hello, yes, from the dead, exactly. I thought I would never touch another figure in my life.

  8. Vraiment superbe, quel retour extraordinaire!

  9. Merci Phil! Je suis un peu déçu du résultat, surtout à cause des lignes de moulage, mais à cette échelle c'est quasi inévitable. Je dois me dépêcher de peindre les autres, l'effet masse gommera le problème en grande partie.
