
dimanche 29 septembre 2019

Wild Orc - test shot

I keep on preparing Orctober. After the Dark Alliance sets, I wanted to try to paint the Caesar figures.
Their style are very different from one another: the Dark Alliances ones are much smaller than the Caesar, which are sculpted in the spirit of the Games Workshop green horde.

At first, I wondered whether I would paint these ones in green, so that I would get two different hordes, from two different orc people, but I eventually decided to stick to the initial color scheme, and use other items to represent different people: the clothes of course, and also, why not... warpaints.

Here you are the first of my Wild Orcs, as a test shot.

A close-up to have a look at the warpaints. White for the skull and some stylized bones, with red lines and hands for blood (of course).

And last, a picture of the Wild Orc as a bodyguard for the orc queen.

What do you think ? Is the color scheme convincing ? And the warpaints ?
Thank you in advance for your wise comments, my fellow painters :)

12 commentaires:

  1. Quite convincing Phil,
    You tookmus by surprise coming back just before orktoberfest, this is unfair we dont have so much time now :)
    Are half orcs accepted for the festival???

  2. Nice work. Really loving the markings they look very authentic

    1. Glad you like these markings. Authentic, for an Orc ? Maybe :)

  3. Fantastic work, the markings are great.

  4. I´m convinced. I´ve got a couple more kniggits to paint then I´ll get some Orcs done.

    1. Tonight at home during the dinner, we had a debate about D&D and the alignment of the characters. What about the knights ? Are they Lawful Good, when the Orcs are Chaotic Evil ? Or the contrary ? Anyway, can't wait to see your contribution to OrctoberFest !!!
