
dimanche 3 novembre 2019

Will you guess...

After more than a month dedicated to Orcs, I really need a break, and to paint something completely different.As written in the comments of the previous post, I have a lot of plans - at least a lot of wishes, both for Fantasy and historical armies.

- an Empire army to fight against the Orcs (using historical minis, so I would paint both fantasy and historical at the same time)
- a Fantasy Egyptian army, with a mix of historical and fantasy figures, the famous mummies
- an Undead army - infantry finished, but the cavalry not started
- an Uruk-Hai army to finish

 Historical periods:
- Mayas
- Aztecs (they are painted for 25 years, I'd like to add some contrast)
- Early Imperial Romans (same as above)
- Greek hoplites (same as above)
- Ancient Egyptians (40% done, but the chariots...)
- Sea People (50% done, less chariots :))
- Sassanid Persians (not even started)
- a Crusader army to finish (almost done, only 2 knights and one monk left to paint)
- an Ayyubid army to finish (only 30% done)
- HYW English (50% done, so many archers...)
- HYW French (10% done, not a single knight on horse)
- Feodal Japanese (5 minis painted)
- Napoleonic French army (peninsula)
- Allied army for Peninsula

 As I was looking for a musician to paint (yes, the musician of the month, remember ?), I found a mini that I had completely forgotten. I remembered that there was an illustration in a book with a good color scheme for this mini, so I gave up all my plans and started to paint him immediately.

You wander what mini it is, right ? I will show you, but I won't tell you, and I offer a challenge instead. Let's have a look:

So now, can you tell me:
- who this guy is ?
- who the manufacturer is ?

I hope you will find, I think it's not that easy, even some sort of cheat.
The answer in the next post.
Good luck :)

PS: Oh, I won't set any label on this post, it would help too much :)

16 commentaires:

  1. It is a Napoleonic Spanish Guerrilla from Qualiticast

    1. Hum, it seems that you transformed the title of my post from "Will you guess..." in "Fire at Will, you guessed" !!
      Ans I thought it was difficult... Congratulations, I guess you have already painted this mini ?

      Ok, one step further. This figure represents a historical character, will you find who it is, and what source I used to paint it ?

    2. Sorry no, who is this person ?

    3. Oh yes, I just checked on wikipedia, a general whose nickname is El Empecinado. I didn't know this guy, thanks for the name.

    4. El empecinado was an important Spanish Guerrilla leader during war against Napoleon (the Peninsular war or Independece war as it is known in Spain) he fought so bravelt for his country that..when Spanish king came back and brought absolutism again, El empecinado was executed as Reward for being suspicious of liberalism :(
      I also did not know this figure, very good Job Philotep

    5. Thank you Sceavus for these info, El Empecinado would be an interesting man to represent with a good mini.

  2. Great figure - looks like he could be in the film Gangs of New York

    1. Oh that's true, I didn't realize - thanks for this idea :)

  3. I had no idea what the mini was so thank you for the introduction, its a great figure with loads of character and beautifully painted as ever.

  4. Great looking figure although I am afraid I cannot place it.

    1. Thank you Gowan. Answer in the next post (today I hope).

  5. Thanks, you've sent me down a rabbit hole!
    I think I know your source, because I have seen it in Uniforms of the Peninsular War 1807-1814 by Philip Haythornthwaite & Michael Chappell that a friend has. I've also seen this figure identified simply as a "Spanish Guerrilla Officer" in one of the Osprey books, I think.
    As for who he is, no idea. However, searching around in Spanish in Google interestingly enough there are no references of units with the death head's symbol that I can find even though I have seen numerous images. One image I have seen identifies a soldier with a death head on his shako as a soldier in the Regimento de la Muerte, which I believe is a name from the Mexican War of Independence referring to a regiment that fought to avenge the death of Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla? Dunno, my knowledge of this is nil!
    But how is this guy a musician? ;)0

    1. Hi Bill, thank you for your excellent comment, you're a real scholar concerning this subject. And yes, after a little check, I confirm that this guy is also illustrated in an Osprey book.
