
mardi 17 décembre 2019

Star Wars Imperial Assault: Rebellion soldier

Oh oh, a second post on the same theme, that's rather unusual on this blog! I keep on painting some minis for the Star Wars Imperial Assault boardgame. This time I've painted a good guy (that's what they say in the saga), a soldier of the Rebellion, the sort of man that you can see in the first seconds of the first opus (that is the nr 4, you all remember, I won't explain), trying to protect Princess Leia from the Imperial assault (ah ah) of the stormtroopers, and Darth Vader himself.

That's what my mini look like:

A courageous man ready to defend that door (let's pretend Leia is behind - no, that door won't open on the next picture). Incidentally, there are enemies rushing to him.

A close-up to show how nervous you can look when you have to enemies in your back :)

And this is what the soldiers looked in the first film (I meant the fourth... well). You know what ? They don't seem to worry that much. I think they should! So I guess it's not a real war picture, but a reenactment one :-)

Ok, my colors are a bit different, but the originals looked very dull, and after all, I just intend to paint minis for a game. A few more pictures of our rebel:

I still have two other guys exactly like him to paint... maybe one of these days.
Hope you like him :)

8 commentaires:

  1. wow, belle peinture, les figurines sont bien sympa.

  2. Very nice Phil. I think your choice of colours work really well.

  3. Great results Phil, I bet you are having great fun with this figures , they are indeed pretty good detailed and moulded

    1. Yes, it was a simple, but nice mini. I think I should paint a few others in the next days. Thank you for your nice comment!

    2. By the way the choice of colours is good.. do not worry if not matching the film examples.. the Rebel alliance is supposed to be a very heterogeneous war force, a federation of multiple factions , systems and so on, fighting against the central power... You can be sure, their equipment and supplies will be never very uniform or regular! It can not be!

  4. Réponses
    1. Thank you. I remember when I discovered this troopers while watching the first movie, those strange helmets... made me curious :)
