
mardi 14 avril 2020

What shall I begin with... ?

Hi everybody, I hope you're all well in these times of pandemic and, unfortunately, sorrow.

Some news at last, regarding figures I mean :)

I didn't paint a single figure since last post, because of several factors: LOTS of work during the first months of the year, then four days of vacation at the beginning of march, then confinement here in France, which gave me some MORE urgent work and many many things to organize and think of. Now that it becomes slightly quieter, I think of painting again.

Yesterday, I used a brush for the first time in days, because I had to put some oily treatment to the wooden table in the garden - useful, but nothing regarding figures :) And this morning, I went to the cellar to have a look at my painting place. So many figs, I don't know where to begin.

I took a picture to show you:

Any piece of advice ? I would need something easy to start with, but everything seems difficult. The sort of moment when you realize that painting 1/72 minis requires a lot of skill and a lot of patience.

All suggestions are warmly welcome.

21 commentaires:

  1. The Grenadier serpent people! Paint those!

    1. Ah ah! I was wondering what sort of conversion between a saurus and a napoleonic grenadier I could make, then I remembered that these old led snakemen on the left where not Ral Partha but Grenadier figures! Yes, a good idea, thanks!

  2. I would advise you teh Mayan warriors, or am I seeing wrong? I always like them becaue of the large range of possible colours to use for.

    1. Hello Hightower! Yes, there are some Mayas by Caesar on this picture. A possibility, because I've always been fascinated by Mesoamerican cultures, and yes, almost any feather color you want.

  3. I like the grey figure in the middle - who is that?

    1. Hi Maudlin! This guy is an imperial guard from Star Wars (from a boardgame named Star Wars Imperial Assault), he should not remained grey, but be painted with a lot of shades of red :)

  4. Glad to hear that you're alive! I think that the Chinese pretty eady for painting - a lot of metal parts taht could be painted in one color and not so much other types of wear that can be painted differently.

    1. Hello Strategist! Alive, you can say it... At least two sick persons (among 4) due to the Covid19 in my house (at least we suppose, without test) but nothing severe, and everybody's ok. I've already painted a C'hin in bronze armor, but I'm not convinced with the result, I'd like to paint the next ones in leather armour, so that they can represent ordinary soldiers.

  5. Start small and slowly...
    Some of your pieces look at least halfway finished. Complete the cavalry on the left of your workbench as a gentle re-entry into painting.

    Glad to see you are well but sorry to read some of your family are ill.

    1. Hello Jonathan, thank you for your comment. First of all, I have to say that everybody's ok in my family, they're not ill any longer (it was more than 3 weeks ago). The most specific symptom was the loss of sense of smell, and it didn't last for more than 6 days, and it's over now. But I had a friend for whom the issue was sadly different...
      Regarding the cavalry, why not... I bought these Chasseurs à cheval de la garde when Revell released them in... 1993! They're on the todo list for soooo long, they deserve a good painting!

    2. I'm with Jonathan on this - start with something easy, so not the Zouaves or the Highlanders! How about finishing the good old Airfix “Washington's Army“? Stay safe! Pa

    3. Thank you for your comment Pa. Oh yes, these figures are not so difficult to paint, it might be a good idea to finish them.

  6. Mayans would be a cool and accessible way back to painting...

    1. Thank you tradgardmastare, a second vote for the Mayas! That's true, not that difficult, but there are some very tiny details on these guys, and I haven't painted a leopard skin for some time, need a review :)

  7. Hi Phil, glad you are back at the painting table, your work has been missed!!. I was going to say start by finishing one that's half done just to get going again, but then I saw the dark alliance Corsairs...

    1. Hi Sprinks, nice to read you, hope you're well. Hum, the Corsairs, that's a trap! I have bought them several months ago, but I haven't found a convincing color scheme so far, so I don't know how to paint them. I think I will draw from GW Dark elves corsairs...

  8. Your workbench looks like a lot of work

  9. Hi Phil, sorry I am so late.... yes, indeed strange times.. i find also difficult to choose or find strenght to no in any direction after dealing with some work and family chaos ...
    Be careful with the famous temptation:"just buy more figs while you decide what to Paint, its easy and harmless " Extreme Danger!!!

  10. What about horses? Large areas to paint, you'll see the wonderful results before your eyes and be 'hooked' again! :)
