
lundi 25 mai 2020

New recruits for the Flying Dutchman: Penrod and Old Haddy

Good evening everyone!

If this post has a fishy smell, it's not because I spent last week-end by the sea (I did not, the sea is more than 100 km from Lyon, and due to the pandemic, I can't go that far), but because the Flying Dutchman has new recruits this evening. Let me introduce you Penrod, and Old Haddy! (sounds like a pair of entertainers from the Muppet Show).

Old Haddy commonly wears a stocking cap. He is covered in mussels and fights with some sort of knuckledusters. He might even be seen as a Deep One, according to Lovecraft's description in "The Shadow over Innsmouth".

Penrod is transforming into a lobster. He has three legs, one right arm holding a broken sword and a claw instead of a left arm.

I'm not very familiar with lobsters (we have a cat at home, and no lobster), but one thing I knew for sure was that the red color of the carapace is red when cooked, but not when alive. Here you are a live lobster:

I must admit that this painting was rather challenging, and to say the truth, I'm not very happy with the result, probably because the light blue spots on the carapace are too big.

That's all for today. What do you think of them ? Your comments will be appreciated and answered, as usual :)

10 commentaires:

  1. Queue de homard, c'est bonne ca. Les minis sont bonnes aussi!

  2. Brillaint painting. The bods look really bad unpainted but you´ve made them come alive.

    1. Thank you Paul. Not the best sculpting, yes, but much more interesting than it seems at first look.

  3. These look great, excellent brush work as always Phil. The crew are looking formidable.

  4. The lobster man looks really great!
