
dimanche 11 octobre 2020

Orctober challenge, episode 2: more Halberdiers

 Good evening everyone. Last week, I had much less time to paint than expected, but I could paint my second element of Halberdiers (see previous post for more explanations).

Here you are:

This guys are on the front line of the battle: the poses are rather dynamic, as you would expect. The figures all come from Redbox set #72059 Lansdknechts (Halberdiers). Flash and mold lines had to be removed before priming - I spent almost as much time to prepare the figures as to paint them.

You can see on the following picture the two Halberdiers elements.

Now that the second regular unit is done (the first one was the Longswords unit), I've begun to gather figures to represent fanatics, the equivalent of Warhammer flagellants.

Regarding the color scheme, this is my thinking:

- Fanatics are irregular, they must not be uniformed

- they are a mix of monks and exalted people, mainly peasants, so their clothes are rather dull and dirty

- to fit with the rest of the army, it would be nice to paint some accessories with the red and yellow of the army color scheme

As usual, I thought it interesting to mix figures from various sets. The first is a monk, with a red hood marked with the symbol of one of his gods. His robe has white flames on its edges. Will you guess the set in which I found him ? The answer in the next post :)

I've also begun to paint the knights, 2 of them are ready, but no pictures this time.

After one more week, the work progress is measured as follows:

Troop type Number of elements fig per element Number of figures painted figures
General (Knight) 1 2 2 0
Wizard 1 1 1 0
Knights 2 3 6 2
Halberdiers 2 4 8 8
Longswords 2 4 8 8
Arquebusiers 2 4 8 1
Fanatics 1 4 4 1
Bombard 1 4 4 0
Total 12
41 20

 Ok, 20 figures out of 41, not too bad. The bombard already has its basic colors and washes. Most foot soldier are primed (as well as the knights) and have the flesh painted.

The general figure is not yet chosen. Horse or foot ? If on foot, I will have to paint another knight carrying the army standard. 

The wizard figure is not chosen either. At first, I wanted to reuse the wizard I've already painted (see here), but I would be cool if I could paint another one. A fire wizard would be great, and I think I will have to do a conversion.

That's all for today, see you soon for the next episode of the Orctober challenge :)

12 commentaires:

  1. We were working for the Empire at same time I Guess!
    Your progress on this Army is very good.
    Good match with the russian monks for the flagellants
    Hope to see your knights Soon, HP
    Por muy Hero on Griffon can join also under your command :)

    1. Hi Sceavus, thank you for your comment! Yes, I've seen your griffin at Benno's, where did you find this excellent figure? I really need one :)
      Of course you recognized the russian monk at first sight, it's difficult to find minis that you don't already know ;-)

  2. Superbes ces hallebardiers...bravo!

  3. Great work Philotep. The Russian Monk is a nice idea.

    1. Thank you Maudlin. The Russian Monk is the next star of internet :D

  4. Comme précédemment superbe travail Philotep, la qualité est toujours au RDV et toujours aussi petit je suis donc toujours aussi impressionné!
    Bon courage pour les arquebusiers tu as déjà fait la moitié quand même ;)


    1. Merci KéHenCo pour tes encouragements! Il me reste tout de même 7 arquebusiers sur 8 à peindre, donc 4 représentant des mercenaires, il va me falloir trouver un schéma de couleur différent de celui de l'armée du Talabecland.

  5. They look great, it looks like you are making good progress.
