
vendredi 11 décembre 2020

2020 Advent Calendar: Day 11

At last! I wrote in the previous post that a peaceful scene would be great for an Advent Calendar, here we are!

For Day 11 of the Advent, let's rest a little as we have a look at a musician in Africa.

This figure comes from a very old 1/72 set, which is set #01733 Tarzan figures by Airfix. This man is practicing on a cylindrical drum. In Central Africa, this kind of drum is called Ngoma, played with bare hands.

Our musician might have been included in this year "musician of the month" challenge, but, I you have read this blog from the start, you know that I regularly fail to achieve it, so that I haven't even tried this year :)

The house is a resin model bought some times ago and painted last year. It represents a Celtic house in the Iron Age, but I found it close enough to represent an house in Central Africa, compared to this picture, taken in Democratic Republic of Congo at the end of the 20th century:

So let's take a break, and for some time listen to the beat of the drum...

Rather different than the previous post, don't you think ? Hope you like this scene, and... see you tomorrow :)

Oh, by the way: I have created a page on this blog to gather the images of the Calendar, you can get to it via a link, simply named "2020 Advent Calendar", under the header image.

I probably will modify this page in the future (when I find time), but you will find one picture for every past day.

14 commentaires:

  1. The Tarzan set included some excellent "natives" as well as useful animals.
    Nice scene Philotep.

    1. Thank you Maudlin. Yes, this set has some potential, and my favorite character in it is the crocodile :D

  2. Magnifique, j'aime beaucoup la mise en scène...

    1. Merci Phil. Oui c'est l'essentiel du boulot dans ce cas.

  3. Quite an inspiring idea. Very nice figures, as always, in lovely settings. Great, Phil

  4. A lovely peaceful scene, just the thing to take me somewhere sunny after working in the English rain all day!

    1. I have the same weather here in Lyon, either rainy or grey. I wish I could travel again :)

  5. Il est vraiment sympa ton calendrier ! plein d'imagination et de périodes différentes !

    1. Merci beaucoup! J'essaie de varier autant que possible avec ce qui a été peint dans l'année. Parfois, c'est bien plus éclectique encore.

  6. The Tarzan is one of the sets I could buy after a long time. Great to see one of the figures painted!


  7. la maison fait son effet! Il est vrai que ce musicien est superbement réalisé!
    Sa musique en revanche n'a pas l'air de plaire il n'a pas de voisin ;)

