
samedi 19 décembre 2020

2020 Advent Calendar: Day 19

Grmmpf... If we had to invent the advent calendar nowadays, I'm sure the painters would negotiate a period with regular holidays, something like a week-end... Well, anyway, I had to work late yesterday evening (because of my job, I mean), and I will soon start another working day today, so I'm in a hurry to finish this post :)

For day 19 of the 2020 Advent Calendar, we jump through time to reach Europe at the beginning of the 19th century, and we have a look at British Riflemen in action.

In the previous post, I was inspired by a painting made by Angus McBride. For today, my inspiration finds its source in the wonderful work of a fellow painter, Bill Slavin, whose blog can be seen here.

Bill's scenes representing the war of the Peninsula are very nice: excellent paint job (full units, not only a few guys) with serious preliminary research, and also excellent modelling for the landscape.

My own guys are defending a small field, surrounded by hedges and even an old wall. We can notice some fruit trees in the background. These Riflemen belong to the 95th regiment - they are easy to recognise because of their typical green jackets. On the pictures below, we can see a few soldiers from various line or light regiments fighting as well.

All Napoleonics fans will have seen that the Riflemen come from the famous Revell set.

The red fusiliers come from Airfix, Hät and Qualitycast (metal).

I almost used my last scenery elements in this scene, with some hedges and a cultivated field. Fortunately, there's only 5 days to go, so 5 ideas still to be found :)

See you tomorrow.

9 commentaires:

  1. Le nombre de décors que tu dois avoir pour faire ces mises en scènes, tes figurines sont superbes! tu as de quoi faire un superbe dio pour noël ^^


    1. Oh je n'ai pas tant de choses que ça, la plupart des éléments ont été employés plusieurs fois dans cette série de photos. Je ne crois pas que je pourrai faire un nouvel article pour le 25, et puis le calendrier s'arrête le 24 :D

  2. I like Sharpe and his buddies! Great painted figures again!


  3. Another really nice scene. So far this project has been great, it's one of the first things I look up when I get home from work. Thanks for all the time you have been spending doing this, I can imagine how hard it must be to come up with a new post every day. I don't think anyone would blame you for missing some days, life must go on!.

    1. Thank you very much for you comment, I'm happy that this series is read in the spirit of Christmas (in spite of the fact that most pictures represent warriors :)).
      Nobody would blame me, except myself! I really don't like to start something, and not finish it... which is the case all the times regarding figures :D

  4. Gosh, any rush to post (and paint) this/these does not show in the least. Great looking figures and an excellent scene. It's especially a joy to see the Airfix British line included.
    Regards, James

    1. Thank you very much James. Yes, I like those old Airfix figures, so many good memories. I will have a try at conversions, what you can see on Benno's forum is so impressive!
