
mercredi 23 décembre 2020

2020 Advent Calendar: Day 23

 Hello! One more entry in the Advent Calendar, as it's getting more and more difficult to find an idea for a new scene :)

On day 23 of the 2020 Calendar, we have a look at Goth warriors.

Our guys are scouting near Adrianopolis, at the beginning of august, in 378. In a few days, the Wisigoth and Ostrogoth armies, under the command of Fritigern, will destroy the Roman army of Emperor Valens.

The man on the left is an ordinary warrior, fighting with spear and sword. His defensive weapons are a shield and a helmet, similar to those worn in the Roman army, in which he probably served as foederati only a few years before. Figure by Hät.

The man on the right is a chieftain, he's wearing a bronze scale armour. Figure by Miniart.

When I have painted enough Goths, I will be able to play a game against my Late Imperial Roman army.

 Still one day before the end of the calendar, see you tomorrow :)

6 commentaires:

  1. Les minis sont beau - ils sont nouveaux pour moi.

  2. Je dirais que c est un bien beau calendrier chaque figurines sont superbement peintes j'ai hâte de voir le bouquet finale ^^


    1. Merci! Tu as une de ces façons de mettre la pression... ;-)

  3. Really nice, I love the bronze armour.

    1. Thank you! At first I was not sure about bronze rather than iron, but it seems that both metals were used at the same period.
