
lundi 8 février 2021

A new project: to paint a Kislevite army in 1/72

 Dear fellow readers, it's been a while since last post, but I have not been inactive during this period. Some news and plans for the coming year (yes, most of you write this sort of things in December or January, but I've decided, after all, to have a plan in February :D):

- After years of pause, I've been interested in Rackham figures once again, and I wish to complete my Orc warband first, then my Goblin warband. I already have 12 Orcs, painted and BASED, they will probably be on display in the next post

- In the previous post, I explained that I had started to paint a large wargame terrain (60 cm x 125 cm), I will try to add 2 more panels this year, so that I will have a 180 cm x 125 cm table, perfect for KOW or l'Art de la Guerre

- I will try to paint some Japanese houses, and some elements for a samurai army too

- I will try to remember that it's already Orctober before Orctober !

- I will organize the realization of a 2021 Advent Calendar as a shared project with the volunteers at Benno's

- I will paint some 1/72 Kislev allies for my Fantasy Empire army

And today, I am ready to reveal that this last project has begun!

For those not familiar with the Warhammer world, let's say that it's a Medieval Fantasy universe, in which Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, Goblins, Lizardmen, chaos warriors, undead... are at constant fight with one another (of course). The most technically advanced human faction is the Empire, which looks like Renaissance Europe - I've painted this army last year. And the Kislevites, allied to the Empire, are inspired by 16th and 17th Eastern Europe kingdoms - an excuse to paint Winged Hussars, isn't that cool ?


The first painted figures represent some Kislevite foot lancers:

These figures come from a Redbox set, Ukrainian Cossack (Infantry) Set 1.

 They are very nice figures, rather easy to paint.

After the lancers, I will have to paint arquebusiers, close-combat troops, light and heavy cavalry, using Cossacks and Polish Winged Hussars.

See you soon for the next steps of the project :)

21 commentaires:

  1. WoW Phil a lotnof work in front of you :)
    I like the Kislevites

    1. Thank you, and your suggestions are highly appreciated :)

    2. You are welcome, in case you need some comparison Pic for our "secret prototipe" ese materiales, just send me some PM

  2. Sounds like you are planning on a busy year!. The Kislevites look great, I'm really looking forward to seeing what you do next

  3. Réponses
    1. Thank you Jonathan! One project, or many projects ;) ?

  4. Any excuse to paint Winged Hussars is a good one! :) I will be watching with interest!

    1. Exactly Norman! these Hussars were bought some time ago, and I needed a reason to paint them.

  5. A very good start to an interesting project, Philotep

  6. Beautifully painted! I look forward to the Hussars.

    (But I almost wish I hadn't seen them. With Fire & Sword has been a favourite comic then book then movie for decades and I converted one 1/72 army 25 years ago but let it go to a friend and have been resisting the new, proper, figured ever since.)

    1. Thank you Ross, good luck in your resistance act :D If you succeed, you'll have time for your other projects, and if you don't, you will have some new beautiful figures :)

  7. they do look really good! Excited to see more Kislev troops in 1/72

    1. Thank you for your comment, Blacksmith! Next troops are on my painting table, but in competition with Sassanids, Vikings and gladiators :)

  8. They look splendid! I'm really exited for winged hussars, such an iconic unit to paint.

    1. Thank you! Yes, these Hussars are among the most impressive units ever, I will be careful when I paint them :)

    2. Will you chose Zvezda or Orion set?
