
mercredi 11 août 2021

A lonely Barbarian - and a new way to take pictures (for me)

 Good evening everyone.

After the Kinkeshi figures (a new batch has been painted, another post to come), back to 1/72! Today I took time to finish a mini that was on my workbench for years, a barbarian warrior by Dark Alliance. Don't know why it took so long to paint this mini, but now it's over.

Here you are:

Nothing particular, except that I've decided to increase the contrast, what do you think ?

What is new is that I was lazy with the picture. My usual camera (a reflex by Canon) was still in his bag, so I decided to try to take a picture with my phone despite the artificial light... and I'm pleasantly surprised with the result. So it should probably help me to write more posts because the photographic process is much easier.

Again, what do you think of it ? Is it already your common practice ? Any feedback welcome, as usual :)

11 commentaires:

  1. That's a lovely dynamic miniature, the higher contrast really looks good on it.

    1. Thank you Sprinks! Yes, I will keep up painting with this method.

  2. Superb painting as ever, and yes, the contrast is very different - and captures the mood of the figure really well. Great work. Your painting continues to inspire.

    1. Thank you Mr de Gobin :) More contrast for small figures seems better - or maybe my eyes...

  3. Did he look so angry and hostile before the long wait to be finished?

    I have been using my cellphone to take pictures for several years. Its faster to edit and upload and better quality than any digital camera I have owned. Perhaps if my hobby was photography it would be worth buying a really good camera but I doubt my skill would be enough to make the best use of it or my eye good enough to appreciate it.

  4. Thank you Ross, happy to read your excellent advice, I will keep on using this cellphone for a while.

  5. Toujours autant impressionné par ta qualité de peinture!! ça m avait manquer de ne plus avoir le temps de passer voir tes jolies figurines :)


    1. Salut, merci encore pour ton commentaire! Je vais reprendre une activité norale avec le mauvais temps qui revient :D

  6. Your blog is a fantastic inspiration. I have started to collect and paint fantasy figures in 1/72, and at the moment I am finishing off 6 of the Cimmerians from the same Dark Alliance set that your latest creation came from. I am too lazy to take such beautiful pictures as you, but thank you for helping to keep me motivated for painting. I am looking forward to playing some skirmish games (and then maybe larger 'rank-and-file' wargames?) soon! I was particularly impressed with your Empire army, being an old WFB/WFRP fan from decades ago. Magnificent!

    1. Thank you very much for your kind comment. I would really like to see your figures, let me tell you that you should start a blog, there are not many 1/72 barbarians on the web :)
      Happy to read that you appreciate my small Empire army. I should paint some new units... including the emperor himself on a giant griffin! I've just found a 25mm mini that should make a good griffin, conversion needed!
      What ruleset do you use to play a skirmish game ?

  7. All my pics un blog always taken by mobile . It looks quité good enogh, and the barbarian is great, By Crom!!
