
lundi 13 septembre 2021

Another Gaesatae

 Hi! I'm painting slowly, but using a mobile phone as a camera encourages me to take pictures as soon as a new recruit is ready :)

So today, nothing very original compared to the previous posts, just a second Gaesatae:

This figure is also a small conversion: Caesar head and shield on a Italeri body. Once again, a weathered shield ans some tattoos.

And a group picture in order to compare both Gaesatae:

I would say that the tattoos on the left one are more convincing, what do you think ?

6 commentaires:

  1. Phil you have a gift for bringing out the best of these 1/72 plastics, very inspiring work!

  2. How many fellows are living in that hut, anyway? :)

    1. Ah ah, a very good question! I would say:
      - 3 Gaesatae
      - 12 warriors
      - 1 carnyx blower
      - 2 standard bearers
      - 1 chariot with 2 horses, a driver, and a warrior queen
      According to my painting table, of course :)

  3. une autres superbe figurine on remarque que celui ci a pris le temps de s'habiller et de prendre son fourreau! 😂
