
mercredi 29 mai 2024

A Gallic army for DBA

Back to 1/72 and back to Ancients! The title of this blog declares that most minis should be in the One True Scale, here we are.

At the beginning of this year, I've been able to finish my (second) Gallic army for DBA, but found no time and no mood to take pictures. They're here at last, so let's have a look:


The figures are still to be based. There are enough figures for 2 elements of Slingers (Ps), 1 element of Gaesatae (Wb), 8 elements of warriors (Wb), and a General on chariot (LCh). Some of the figures have aleady been displayed on this blog (see here), but some others are new, let's focus on the latter.

Manufacturers, left to right: Caesar, Hät, Caesar, Newline Design

Hät, Revell, Hät, Italeri

Caesar, Caesar, Hät, Italeri

Linear, Linear, Linear, Hät, Hät

Linear chieftain on the left, others figs by Hät and already displayed

This time, I've painted the warriors as if they were related in clans wearing the same sort of tartan to identify. I'm not sure that this was common practice in that time, but I this likely, and it helps to give some sort of visual homogeneity without painting uniforms, which would be inappropriate.

Hope you like them, and appreciate the break from big 28mm monsters (I do)  :)

26 commentaires:

  1. Marvelous work! A real treat for the eyes.

  2. Absolutely stunning! A beautiful army!

  3. Réponses
    1. Thank you Norman, not as exotic as your last DBA army though (wonderful figures indeed)!

  4. Man, thats just awesome. Wanna learn to paint the 72 scale like you.

    1. Thank you Strategist! Not sure to be a good teacher, since it took me more than 30 years to paint figures like that, and now my eyes are getting old :)

  5. Those figures look amazing. You have inspired me to get back to painting figures.

    1. Oh indeed! The best comment a figure painter can read, thank you very much! And please tell me when you show some pictures on the net :)

    2. I will but it might be a long time.
      My wife and I just moved to France, I don't have a workshop set up yet, one day soon hopefully.

    3. Oh, a new neighbor, welcome to France :)

  6. Beautiful colors and amazing detail! Bluefalchion

    1. Hi Bluefalchion, so great to read you here! I hope you're well, and I hope to see some more of yours minis very soon :)

  7. Those dappled horses are amazing! Great looking army!

  8. Excellent painted bunch of Gallic Warriors (Old Belgians! :-D ) and that chariot is wonderful. Good work on the reins!

    1. Thanks Peter! All these Belgian and Gaul Celts represent the Beer civilizations, they're all friends for sure :)

  9. Quel magnifique travail de peinture, une armée de grande qualité à l'allure féroce!

    1. Merci beaucoup Phil! Quand on connait la qualité de tes propres armées, on ne peut qu'être sensible à ton compliment.

  10. I have told you somewhere else. I love your painted Gauls, especially the tartan on the clothes. Fantastic work on them Phil, congrats.
