
dimanche 23 avril 2017

Musician of the month: Imperial Guard Bass Drummer

Back from the land of the Giants, I managed to paint the musician of the month and to take pictures this morning.
Last time (see last month's post: I explained that I needed more drummers in the band, so after that orc drummer, I wanted to add a bass drummer, and I found one manufactured by Strelets.

Today's musician is a companion for my Bassoon player, since he is the Bass Drummer of the band of the Grenadiers à pied de la Garde, in campaign dress.

Bass Drummer and Bassoon Player

Not that original, but not that common either. I hope you like him.

9 commentaires:

  1. Superbes couleurs, il a l'air motivé bruyant!

  2. Avec l'orque comme timbalero, je crois que je tiens ma batucada :)

  3. Quite unusual! I have never seen a bass drummer before; guard or line.

  4. Hi Jonathan. Do you mean that you never saw a mini representing a bass drummer, or that you never saw any in the documentation ?

  5. For plenty of drummers Hat certainly provides in the older sets.
    The Strelets figures look very good painted in your style.

    Every time I look at mine I shuffle them back into the box. Greetings BB

  6. I'll be looking for these drummers... I found one (french advancing), and an English fifer too :)
    And concerning the Strelets band, I will try to do my best on the serpent player :)
