
dimanche 30 avril 2017

New Kingdom Egypt I - archers

Hi! Not so easy to keep on painting minis and writing on the blog when you want to get outside in the spring sun after a long winter :)

Today, I, Philotep the scribe, wanted to start a series of posts related to the New Kingdom Egypt. My intention is to paint A NKE DBA army to fight against the Sea People (their army is growing, see the Sea People post), the Nubians (their army is not growing, but one day... see the first 2 Nubians here) and the Libyans (not very numerous as you can see in that post, but they will ally with the Sea People).

Back to the Egyptians. Let me introduce you the first unit, the foot archers. There were many archers in the egyptian army, and we can still see examples on the reliefs of several archeological sites.

I took these pictures in the region of Luxor a few years ago:

Ramasseum - Siege of Kadesh under Ramesses II

Medinet Habu - Fight against the Sea People under the reign of Ramesses III

Medinet Habu

I used the excellent minis by Caesar to represent the archers - great minis!

The archers in line, waiting for the invaders to come:

The first close-combat fighters arrive just in time to prevent the archers from being wiped out by the ferocious Peleset.

See you soon for the next unit: the Sherden.

23 commentaires:

  1. klasse bogenschützen
    die hauttöne wieder einmal sehr gut gemacht
    klasse arbeit phil

  2. Encore un super article, le mélange figurines/histoire est parfait, j'aime, ami Lyonnais, j'en profite pour te dire qu'on fait comme tous les ans une "représentation" à St Romain en Gal le dimanche 11 juin, si jamais tu es dispo...

    1. Merci Phil. Ah oui, pour Saint-Romain en Gal (les 50 ans du site), je note!

  3. Nice painting. I forgot how nice the Caeser egyptians are.

    1. Thank you Paul. Yes, these minis are among the best. Moreover, Caesar made two different boxes for the Egyptian infantry, the variety of poses is highly interesting.

  4. Great work! The bods look really good!

  5. These look terrific! I am always inspired by your rich skin tones.

    1. Thank you Jonathan. Not that easy to paint skin, but I am happy with the result on these.

  6. Phil those egyptians look incredible. Will the Pharaoh,s chariots join also the fight? :)

    1. Thank you Sceavus. Chariots, certainly... but I only recently realised there was a Pharaoh set by Caesar, I need to get one ASAP :)

  7. Well, I have another suggestion: take the superb zvezda pharaoh and place him on an old atlantic chariot together with an atlantic driver... Just remember to remove the bases, otherwise no place for them both!
    I will do that someday...

    1. That's an idea... but I don't have that reference either. I could replace this Pharaoh with one you find as a bonus figure in the Caesar Nubians set. The old Atlantic chariots however are far from accurate, especially regarding the wheels.
      I definitely the Caesar Pharaoh set, not only for the chariot but also for the civilian minis... and the lions !

    2. Totally agree about accuracy.. My reason for atlantic was just the imposing size of horses compared to caesar!
      And it is also right, the lion holders are a quite appealing touch!!
      I hope you can get the set?
      The bonus pharaoh is too rare to find, but he is exactly the same as "pharaohs chariot" figure.
      I was only able to get an hittite king in those bonus sets

    3. I also found the Hittite king, twice, but not the Assyrian, too bad.
      I will find the set, I checked on internet, several online sellers still have it.

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