
samedi 20 mai 2017


The Samnites were a people living in the center of Italy at the age of the Roman Republic, and were one of its most famous opponents.
Romans and Samnites fought each other during the three Samnites Wars which occured in the 4th-3rd centuries BC. The Samnites were eventually defeated and were compelled to become allies to Rome. Rome just became powerful enough to stand against Pyrrhus and thereafter Carthage.

I used the Italian Allies box by Hät to represent the Samnites.

The warrior on the left has colorful clothes and shield, and wears a bronze armor.

The other warriors are dressed in white, with silver armor. They are noble members of a particular unit called Legio Linteata.

In the last photo, I show the Samnites together with Italian troops in Roman service (more concerning these troops here). They certainly fought each other during the Samnites wars, before the became forced allies.

I hope you like them :)

22 commentaires:

  1. Très réussis, beau rendu des boucliers...

  2. ich liebe diese malerwei von ihnen
    sehr gut die haut ist exellent gemacht welche farbe benutzt du für die hauttöne malen sie in schichten

    1. Danke! Ich benutze GW Farbe: Dark + Dwarf Flesh, und mehr und mehr Bronze Flesh in 3 oder 4 Schichten

  3. Superb brushwork highlighting your use of rich and warm colors.

  4. Excellent work and fascinating history as well so thanks for including the details. My friends and I are working on the 2nd Punic War for DBA and one friend wants to do an Italian Allied Legion. I sent him your link! Beautiful work Phil.

    1. Thank you Bruce! The Punic wars are fascinating indeed, and are an excellent occasion to use a wide range of minis: Romans and Allies, Numidians, Lybians, Carthaginians, Iberians, Lusitanians, Celtiberians and Gauls... and elephants of course !!

  5. As always, very cool stuff Phil!

  6. This goes to prove that some of the earlier Hat figures can be painted up well. Splendid Work! BB

  7. Thank you very much BB! Every figure deserve as good a painting job as possible. To sculpt such little minis is a miracle, we painters must do our best :)

  8. Excellent painted figures!

