
jeudi 18 mai 2017

Undead Pirates

Hi everyone, a small update this evening.

Among the most improbable minis I could have dreamed of, the Undead Pirates, or Cursed Pirates, or Fishy-Sharky Pirates (or whatever you want to name them) are certainly a reference I would not have expected to see in 1/72... but here they are, produced by Mars, and I couldn't resist the siren's song :)

Some may say that these minis are not very attractive, but I found them nice to paint.

Well, to be honest, I painted only three of them (for the moment).

I would like to use them in a naval skirmish game, but I have no rules and no opponents - any suggestions ? I wish I could buy the Napoleonics naval troops by Hät, but this reference seems difficult to find these days.

Some closeups.

Thank you for visiting this page :)

8 commentaires:

  1. Très sympas tes nouveaux copains! Salutations...

    1. J'ai commencé par les présentables :) il y a des trucs absolument difformes dans cette boite.

  2. Nice minis phil, great job as ever. Osprey did some pirate related rules which i think were called ' on the seven seas' or something similar. I have no idea what they are like but they may be worth a look?.

    1. Thank you Sprinks. I didn't know that Osprey edited such a ruleset, I will try to find more about it.

  3. hi
    die sehen top aus deine zombie piraten

  4. You did a fantastic paintjob on these pirates!


    1. Thank you once more, Peter. I must admit that, yes, I am happy with these, it is possible to get an interesting result even with a poor mini (though I met no big success at Benno's :))
