
mercredi 21 février 2018

Musician of the month: Swiss drummer, 15th century

Remember my challenge, to paint a musician every month ? I explained here what happened in 2017. In 2018, I'm in for another attempt. This is the musician for February: a Swiss drummer from the 15th century, when the Swiss confederation was at war with Burgundy.

You will recognize a drummer from an Ultima Ratio set, UR008 Swiss Infantry (Bern) released en 2017.
For those who appreciate Fantasy, you will notice that this guy might also be used as a drummer in a Empire army from the city of Talabheim (from the Ancient World created by GW).

So this year, two musicians so far:
- January: Ancient Egyptian drummer
- February: Medieval Swiss drummer

For March, I would like to paint a man from another era, and another music instrument. Will you guess ?

19 commentaires:

  1. Very much the Empire style. Nice work Phil.
    I'm guessing a Highland Piper..? Oui/Non?

    1. Thank you Maudlin. I would love to paint a piper (I used to play bagpipe myself some years ago), but I don't have any such mini. Next month, I plan to paint a musician with a wind instrument, but not the bagpipe :)

    2. I must modify my answer above. I do have bagpipe players, the old Airfix, ESCI and Italeri scottidh regiments ! I was thinking of the medieval era, sorry :)
      So, a piper this year would be great!

    3. I was thinking of the Airfix one (bien sur!)

  2. Ah, le 15ème siècle et ses couleurs magnifiques, je l'entends d'ici ce superbe tambour...j'avoue que la cornemuse me semble sympa aussi pour la suite!

    1. Merci beaucoup. Comme écrit dans le commentaire précédent, j'adorerais peindre un joueur de cornemuse... mais bon sang, je viens de réaliser, j'en ai! :) Mais ce n'est pas ce que j'ai prévu.

  3. Réponses
    1. Nice guess, the lute player is on my list for this year! But not next month :)

  4. Exactly I saw first the Imperial drummer hahaha
    Nice figure and nice suggestion!

  5. Sympathique tambourin Suisse ! Très original comme challenge. Je vais le suivre avec attention :-)

  6. I saw the imperial drummer from the beginning ! :)
    Thanks for the images and the suggestion!, nice figs

    1. Thank you Sceavus! I'm not even surprised by your comment, you WFB fan :D

  7. Nice work Phil, nice to see the empire getting some love (since gw killed it!!). I'm guessing your next musician will have the horn so to speak?

    1. Thank you. It might be that I appreciate the Old World more since it got killed :)
      A musician with horns ? You might be thinking of another Swiss maybe ? Good idea (in spite of the fact that this guy shouldn't be also the standard bearer), but not for this time, I will paint a man from another country and another century.
