
samedi 24 février 2018

Back from the past: 24th Prussian line infantry

After the disastrous Napoleonic campaign in Russia (1812) , the armies of Prussia reorganized, and many men were called to arms. The Prussian uniforms had become very different from those worn in 1806, as modern as possible. But it was impossible for the industry to produce the regulation equipment (with blue jacket) for every man, so many units had to wear grey reserve uniforms.

This is the situation I wanted to represent here, using the Hät 8052 set Napoleonic Prussian Reserve Infantry. In the picture below, you can see two reserve infantrymen from the 24th line regiment, following an officer. On the left of the picture, we can see a NCO (Revell mini) who could get a blue uniform, probably an experimented soldier from another unit.

I painted these men more than ten years ago, and the pictures were sent to Hät for their website (they are still there, I checked this morning :)). For those interested by painting techniques, you will notice that I didn't use any wash at that time, but underlined every surface with very dark brown paint - it was a very long process :)
Some closer views:

As most Napoleonic painters, I use the excellent site by Alexis as a reference for the waterloo campaign:

The box art was another great painting by Giuseppe Rava.

Hope you like these (not so) old minis :)

19 commentaires:

  1. Superbe peinture, des Prussiens très réussis!

  2. Great painting - HAT do make nice figures.

    1. I agree Maudlin, not always the best, but usually interesting references - as far as I know, the reserve Prussians are the only reference in 1/72

  3. I like your painting style and subject matter. I’ve painted some Prussian Reserve Infantry for our Waterloo project.

    1. Thank you ? Are they visible on your blog ? I have to look at it.

  4. Du napoléonien superbement bien peint, j'adore.

  5. You have shown so well what can be accomplished with these miniatures! Do you have any of Hats new Prussian Landwehr on the way?

    1. Hi Tony, thank you for your comment. The Hät Landwehr is not yet on my list - I must already paint the old but very good Airfix ones :) But I am curious to see if they fit well with each other.

    2. Sorry Tony, in the comment above, I used the wrong account (my wife's), but the comment itself is correct :)

    3. I just got hold of mine today, they look like they will be taller than the Arfix ones going off Plastic Soldier Review.

  6. Yes i like them lots. I do have several boxes in the Napoleonic Collection,but never have i painted any at all. Perhaps one day i might. BB

    1. Thank you Paul. I might a member of your club: I probably have more than 30000+ unpainted minis, and... I would like to have them all painted!!
