
samedi 17 mars 2018

Back from the past: Ancient Iberian Warriors

The figures displayed today are not newly painted, but since I am off for the week-end without my brushes, I have my photograph archives with me, and last I wish to gather all my pictures on this blog, here they are :)

These minis represent Ancient Spanish, also known as Iberians. They were involved in the Punic Wars, and depending on the circumstances, they could fight for Carthage or for Rome. Of course, they are well known for their fight on the Punic side with Hannibal.

I painted them a long time ago and they still can be seen on the Hät website - fortunately I could download the pictures back, I lost my own copy in a hard drive crash!

Here they are:

Heavy infantry from set #8056 Carthaginian command and cavalry:

Lusitanian warrior from set #8058 Carthaginian Allies:

Caetratus from set #8019 Punic War Spanish Infantry:

And last, the famous balearic slingers, that can be employed as mercenaries in most armies of this time - from set #8019 Punic War Spanish Infantry:

In a technical point of view, they have all been painted before I begin to use washes to speed up the paint time, hence the dark underlining.

I think they are still good for service. Hope you like them :)

18 commentaires:

  1. Great work Phil - I like the Heavy Infantry figure a lot. Bon Weekend.

  2. Thank you Maudlin, bon week-end également!

  3. Wonderful paint work on those bods.

  4. Très chouettes, belles couleurs de tuniques...

    1. Merci. J'essaie toujours d'avoir des teintes crédibles en fonction de ce que je sais de l'époque, des fois c'est un peu la devinette.

  5. When I collected ancients I used to go to the HäT site regularily but I don´t remember your stuff there, mind you, that was nearly 10 years ago. The huge armies that Jon S painted!!!

    1. One of these days, I will show you my first armies: Republican Romans vs Carthage, nothing to do with my current technique :)

  6. Now I have to repaint mine! Great job Phil.

    1. Oh Bruce, don't do that! You'd better paint new ones :D Anyway, your own ancients are so good, keep them as they are.

  7. You made a good job with my ancestors :)

  8. I remember these pics from the hat site and finding them inspirational!

  9. hi
    sehr gute arbeit
    mir gefallen die schilder sehr gut
    und sauber bemalt eine schöne truppe hast du da
