
samedi 3 mars 2018

Grenadier à cheval de la garde

Hi everyone! Don't know what's happening to me, I'm more in Napoleonics than in Ancients these days :D

I've started to paint several minis for the French Imperial Guard, and this time I can show you my first Grenadier à cheval. It's a Hät mini, one of their first references, and still very good in my opinion.
His uniform is the model worn in the early years of the empire.

It is a test shot - I wish I have patience to paint a dozen more after this one - and I would like you to tell me what you think of it, and if you find any mistake I should correct. I chose to paint his horse black, which is correct according to the regulation, but a dark brown horse would be correct too.
Any comment welcome :)

23 commentaires:

  1. Very good painting (comme toujours) Phil - nice figure too.
    I don't know how you have the patience to paint one figure so well..

    1. Thank you Maudlin, very nice of you. I don't know how other people can paint dozens of minis so fast :)

  2. very nice job, fantastic detail.

    1. Thank you Sprinks. Please note that he isn't walking in the snow :)

  3. Un superbe travail sur un uniforme de légende...

    1. Merci Phil. J'avoue que je me suis presque senti intimidé par le sujet.

  4. Très beau travail de mise en peinture d'un grenadier de la garde à cheval...bravo !

  5. Lovely painting. I wouldn´t have rated them from looking at the unpainted sculpts but you´ve brought out the best in it. With your painting it Looks more like a zvezda sculpt than a hat one. One Thing..Has he got stirrups or are my eyes bad?

    1. Thank you Paul. Oh no sorry, I didn't paint any stirrups, I don't think they were sculpted, or my eyes... :)

  6. Réponses
    1. Hi, thank you for asking.
      Sorry but no, it is not for sale. I paint less than 100 figures a year, so this one would be hiiiiighly expensive.
      And even so, I am not interested in getting money in painting, it would not be a hobby anymore.
      But again, I really appreciate your request.

