
dimanche 16 septembre 2018

Musician of the month: drummer of the 8th Neapolitan Line

Hi everyone!

I hope you haven't forgotten this blog :) I know it is a very long time since my last post, but there are several reasons:
1. Summer: I prefer to live outside than to look at a screen
2. Summer: I prefer to travel than to paint in the cellar
3. Socializing: I prefer to talk to people than to my plastic figures
4. Garden: I had a few things to do in the garden (and it's not over...)
5. In spite of the summer and the holidays (in southern Italy, see here - in french, sorry), I also had a lot of work

So after a long break, I come back to this blog with some newly painted figures, but there is only one on display today: the musician of the month!

Our musician is a drummer in the 8th Neapolitan line infantry regiment during the Napoleonic era, and I must admit that he was a real pain to paint. Documentation first: not so easy to find, I used several out-of-date sources, hoping to be accurate - once again, your wise comments are welcome, dear scholar readers.
Then the painting itself: it is difficult to paint after a 5 months break, and the uniform of this drummer is complicated: white with pink garments, and red and white chequered motif everywhere! I had to throw my brush away after that.

Well, this is the drummer:

 You will notice that this is not a plastic figure, but a converted Newline Design Nassau drummer.

Next week (yes, I promise, the pictures are already taken), I will show you the regiment to which this little guy belongs.

As usual, hope you like him :)

24 commentaires:

  1. Bon retour.
    Belle peinture pour un reprise.
    Le choix est osé et le challenge est relevé haut la main.

    1. Merci Borodino. AU fait, je viens de rajouter un lien vers ton blog !

  2. I have not forgotten! Good to see you back at the painting desk.
    Nice drummer!

  3. Réponses
    1. Un excellent été Maudlin, merci! Et j'espère qu'il en a été de même pour toi.

  4. Quel retour, magnifique....comme tes vacances il me semble!

    1. Merci Phil, je crois que j'ai un peu perdu la main mais ça revient doucement (la pratique, toujours la pratique). Les vacances étaient carrément supers.

  5. Glad to see you back and with such a fantastic mini to boot!. Glad you enjoyed the summer, i'll whisper it but sometimes there is more to life than minis (but not much!).

    1. Thank you Sprinkles! Yes, there can be some good moments in real life, too.

  6. I´ve been constantly checking my blog roll and wondered where you had gone. I agree fully with Points, 1, 2, 4 and 5 but l´ll add to Point 3, sometimes, These days, I get more sense out of the plastic bods than most People :-)
    Great return,,the Drummer can Signal a drum roll.

    1. Thank you Paul! I've been following your work about ACW with great interest. Strangely enough, I have watched Gettysburg and Gods and Generals just before I had a look at your blog, and of course the temptation to paint some rebs and yankees is increasing :)

  7. The great Phil Otep Back! Missed by thousands of 22mm plastic humans and some hobby fans too!!
    Fortunately the absebnce was because of 100% human , nice and good reasons!!
    Welcome back!!
    I guess actually the same is happening to me.. Still too hot in spain, hope to get back to brushes too...

    1. Hi Sceavus, thank you, nice to read you! Yes it was too hot here also until the beginning of september to paint, but now it's ok (at least in my cellar). I hope to see your wonderful spirited conversions very soon !

  8. Nice to see you back, painting Phil!

  9. hi
    zwar mag ich diese epoche fast garnicht malen
    aber der sieht einfach klasse aus sehr gute und saubere arbeit von dir mein freund
