
mardi 18 septembre 2018

8th Neapolitan Line Infantry Regiment - complete

With the addition of the last musician of the month, I can show you a complete Napoleonic infantry battalion, belonging to the 8th Neapolitan Line, white uniforms with pink garment (as original as a Berg Cavalry regiment).

Here you are:

Each company is represented by a set of three figures, so that we have a complete battalion with 18 figures: 4 fusiliers companies, 1 voltigeurs company and 1 grenadiers company.

1st company, with officer, drummer an standard bearer

2nd company

3rd company

4th company

Grenadiers company
 The organization of that unit is the same as in the French line infantry. A few more pictures:

The minis are a mix of several manufacturers: mainly 1812 French Hät (Line and Light, Officer from the Young Guard set), Accurate and Newline Design.

The Grenadiers are conversions, using Hät and Accurate bodies, with Esci grenadiers hats and backpacks.

Hope you like them ! 

15 commentaires:

  1. Very handsome work, Phil! I really think your work on the crossbelts is superb.

  2. Got to second that! They look superb

  3. Ah, quel magnifique uniforme que celui des tu les as particulièrement réussis!

    1. Merci beaucoup. Si un jour j'en ai le courage, je voudrais également peindre un bataillon du 7e régiment - un régiment composés de soldats africains (distinctives jaunes).

  4. Un vrai bataillon pour jouer, comme à chaque fois de la peinture de haut niveau.

    1. Merci! Je n'ai plus qu'à le socler, mais je viens de me faire la main sur mon armée de gaulois pour DBA - à publier prochainement sur ce blog.

  5. They look great, the photos are very well done too.

    1. Thank you! I am a bit disappointed with the pictures, the light was not so good, but, well, it worked well enough.
