
dimanche 30 septembre 2018

My Germanic warband is growing - faster, but not that fast

I'm proud of myself today. For the first time in my life, I have been able to paint 8 figures at the same time, and they were painted in two days - I even painted another one, but I keep it for the next post :)

All right, all right, I can hear most of you, army painters, laughing... and you're right to do so :D but the above is true, since I usually paint one or two guys simultaneously. So yes, I am a very slow painter, but I try to improve.

Enough with myself, what do we get this time ? Well, as most of you guys, I love to see big painted armies on the battlefield, and I realized that I already had a few Germanic warriors (maybe you remember my Germanic Hornblower, or more likely this berseker - even if I suspect that guy is probably not accurate), so I decided to paint some more, 8 guys, so that I can have 2 more DBA Wb elements, and take pictures.

I really tried to paint faster than usual, but I realized that I couldn't: the same skill, and the same result, more or less. So how could I paint more minis than usual, where was the difference ? I simply used the same color palette on several minis, so I spent less time looking for a color scheme, even I still want every figure to be unique. This time, I mainly used red, green, 3 different browns, flesh, metal and gold, off-white, sand... I think the result is in my tabletop standard, but the method is efficient.

What do you think of them ?

Oh, and one last thing: I cheated a little for the pictures, because the last ranks are filled with minis that we can consider as proxies: Picts, Franks, Saxons... I deliberately mix figures from as many sets and manufacturers as possible, so that I get a motley warband. I will conclude this post (and week) with this little game: can you find the number of manufacturers involved in this scene ?

Thanks for reading, have a good sunday evening :)

32 commentaires:

  1. De belles figurines mais surtout j'aime l'effet de masse!

    1. Merci! Tout est là en effet, il faut quelques guerriers pour faire une horde.

  2. 8 d'un coup !
    Félicitation tu as réussi à garder ta qualité de peinture.
    Alors c'est pas trop bon de les rassembler pour la photo ?

    1. 8 d'un coup, mieux que le petit tailleur :D
      C'est sûr que pour les photos c'est vachement mieux. J'en ai une autre fournée de 10 sur le grill!

  3. Hät, Caesar, Esci, Strelets, Linear-A ?

    1. Juste pour les 4 premiers, 90% de l'effectif. pas de Linear-A (je suis un peu perplexe sur la qualité, pas encore acheté). Les autres marques font du remplissage dans l'arrière-plan très flou :)

    2. C’est au petit tailleur que je pensais 😀
      Je n’arrive pas à voir ceux du fond 🔍

    3. Je ferai quelques photos supplémentaires à l'occasion, je suis sûr que tu reconnaîtras tout.

  4. Les Romains n'ont qu'à bien se tenir, voilà un groupe superbe et féroce...chouette boulot!

    1. Je n'ai pas encore assez de Romains Empire pour la bataille rangée, mais j'y travaille.

  5. They look great. Nice to see the whole army coming together. Any plans to play any games with them?.

    1. Thank you. Yes, several plans. First, play the historical army with DBA or L'Art de la Guerre. And I prepare a top secret additional unit: two Frost Giants, in order to play them in a Fantasy battle, probably Kings of War - I will create my own army list.

  6. Caeser, Strelets...easy. HäT, also easy..then Esci/ a bit blurred and slightly hidden at the back..RedBox and miniart

    1. Good answer, Master Paul! Yes there are some Miniart minis in this troop, but no Redbox, unless I don't remember properly. There are three other manufacturers represented, even a fourth if I cheat a little :)

    2. HäT pict confused wtih a redbox one...mind you..exactly the same pose in both sets :-)
      Of Course...Orion...Slavic warriors. I´ll get the rest later...especially the one on the right with the red/White shield.

    3. One slavic warrior by Orion, correct !! Yes, there are 3 Picts from a Hät minibox. And last, yes, that guy with Red/white shield is an old reference...

  7. Aha! Got him. I knew I had him in my collection,,,but that´s cheating. HäT and C&S were more or less the same makers :-)

    1. You're right once again, there's a goth from Coates & Shine. It's not the guy with the red/white shield mentioned above, at the one I thought. There are still two manufacturers to identify :)

    2. Still two!? I´ll get them but tomorrow.

    3. I will post better pictures, which will give the answer, tomorrow night or wednesday.

  8. I recognised only Caesar and Hat miniatures, before seeing Paul's comment above. Great job as always Phil!

  9. It's been a long time since I've last visited your blog and there's a lot to see here!
    Awesome warband you got here! I like the lively colors
    and stunning details!
    I still haven't try to paint small scale. :(

    1. Thank you Biblicraft, nice to see you visit this blog! I still haven't tried to paint any 1/32 mini either :)
