
mardi 25 septembre 2018


A few months ago, I had the chance to get some Fantasy minis by Caesar, a reference rarely seen on the web and apparently only sold by the manufacturer himself. These minis looked very promising, as they represented elvish and human warriors inspired by the Lord of the Ring trilogy. They were Elves and men from Gondor in the second Age, and Galadhrim from the third age. These Galadhrim composed the troops sent by Galadriel to help the men of Rohan during the siege of Helm's Deep - please note that they only appear in the movie but not in Tolkien's book.

I was very excited at the idea of painting one of the archers, since their battledress is rather impressive - and the version made by Games Workshop used an interesting color scheme.

This is what I could achieve - I just finished him half an hour ago :)

This mini perfectly fits its opponents - in this case, Uruk-Hai by Dark Alliance. The Galadhrim is defending the garden of Lothlorien against the orcs of the White Hand.

Tell me if you find this color scheme convincing - I have a few others to paint !

22 commentaires:

  1. An outstanding job !
    Better than Games Workshop ten times cheaper.

    1. Tu en oublies ton français :) Merci, et oui en effet, beaucoup moins cher.

  2. Very nice Phil, the colours are great (I love the shading on the cloak).

    1. Thank you, I must admit that I am quite happy with that blue cloak.

  3. Love it! What colours you used to paint armour?

    1. Thank you. Five steps for the armor:
      1. Enamel Gold (Revell)
      2. Brown wash (GW)
      3. Dark green wash (a lot of water, just to contrast with the red mail)
      4. Gold on the relief
      5. A few traces of Silver (GW) to enlighten a bit more

    2. Thanks I might try something similar.

    3. Hope it will help :) Please send a link so that I can see the result.

  4. Lovely. I still haven´t managed of get hold of the set...somehow, ordering from Taiwan has put me off. Should I be so cautious?

    1. Thanks. I had absolutely no problem with the payment (Paypal I think) and the shipping - only 10 days. It was a good service, I recommend it.

    2. Paul| I have them from Taiwan too, always model,site. Cheap and fast,mI purchased several times... Once they sent wrong figures but sent me aferwards the right ones , I even kept thr "wrong " without any cost or extra freight..

  5. Très belle peinture, et non moins belle présentation!

  6. Beautiful painting Phil - great figure too

  7. Fantasy is back too!! :)
    Glad that you purchased those rare elves set !
    I like a lot the skin -muscles painting of the uruk

  8. Magnifique!! I don't know if I could
    have this result in my 28mm figures!!
    I love the tiny orange fruits! :)
