
samedi 19 janvier 2019

Musician of the month: Goblin drummer

Hi everyone! For the first post of 2019, since we're are already late in the month, I must carefully choose my priority, so let me introduce you the musician of the month: a Goblin drummer.

This guy comes from one of the last sets by Dark Alliance, Goblins set 2, that I bought 2 days ago.

I've chosen a color scheme that is meant to recall the Goblins from Goblin-town as we can see them in "the Hobbit" first opus. These creatures live in the depths of the Misty mountains, so we can imagine that their skin is very pale - I never used so much white to paint a skin.

Some more pics:

Oh, I've just realized that I chose the same colors as Paul (from Paul's Bods) for the drum! It must be the only common colors :-)

Well, I hope I find time to finish the others soon.

My plans for 2019 are still vague, but this is a first wishlist:

- finish my Late Crusader army: I didn't take pictures recently, but I only need to paint 2 minis (1 foot, 1 horseman) to finish this army according to DBA (with some personal adaptation), so I should write a post about them rather soon

- paint some ACW figures: YES, something very unusal on this blog, but I see so many interesting pictures everywhere... 6 old references are already painted

- paint a lizardmen troop, including conversions to get some cavalry... I mean, lizardry :)

- add some Mayas to my 3 men Maya warband (a bit short)

- paint a second Frost Giant (work in progress!!)

And I don't say anything about 28mm figures, I have at least fantasy 4 armies for Kings of War to paint.

I wish you a year full of minis, and of many other good things too !!

20 commentaires:

  1. Ah ! Le challenge continue de bien belle façon.
    Ton objectif 2019 est peu ambitieux dit moi ☹️

    1. Salut! Bah, je n'ai pas de plan très établi, et j'ai beaucoup de figurines en cours à terminer. Mais voilà, des archers égyptiens par ci, des squelettes par là, surtout des renforts pour les armées existantes.

    2. Le principal est de nous faire de belles figurines et là on peut te faire confiance 👍🏻

    3. En fait, j'ai corrigé une erreur en relisant le post: je n'ai pas moins de 4 armées type Warhammer à peindre (pour la règle Kings of War): Empire, hommes-lézards, hommes-bêtes du Chaos et Orques (à base de vieilleries en plomb), donc peut-être plus de 25mm que de 1/72e cette année.

  2. Happy new 2019 beggining! You are already preparing yourself for the Oktoberfest!!

  3. Great work Phil, he looks like a mean little sod!. You have done a great job bringing out his (bad) character!!.

    1. Thank you Sprinks! Not that easy to paint nasty characters...

  4. Je l'entends d'ici, frapper frénétiquement sur son tambour, appelant ses amis à la rescousse, au combat, ou à la soupe...d'humains...superbe!

    1. D'ailleurs, ses amis arrivent probablement ce soir... merci !

  5. Fantastic work on this. Very inspirational.

    1. Thank you Duc! I hope that the reinforcement won't disappoint you.

  6. Goblins only ever use red drums with White´s mentioned in the notes in the appendices of the Silmarillion... .......just a Moment, that note is in my handwriting! :-)
    I agree on the Skin colour.
    PM at Benno´s

    1. So you're the hidden son of Tolkien... nice to know :D
      Thanks for the info, I check the mailbox immediately.

  7. Thank you Raiki! He's a bit lonely, so some friends should arrive on this blog very soon!

  8. This guy is ready to pound heads!
    2019 looks good for you.

    1. Thanks Jonathan! Yes, I'm still on time for the Musician Of The Month (a.k.a. MOTM) challenge :)
