
samedi 29 décembre 2018

Frost Giant

First of all, let me announce you that you are reading the 100th article of this blog!!

Everything began 2 years ago, in december 2016. After having watched so many cool blogs dedicated to minis, I was not sure that I had something more to add... but I tried anyway, and I receive enough feedback from you, dear readers, to believe that it was, and still is worth updating it regularly, and that it really helps me to paint more and more.
And I particularly enjoy to write to,and read from people from all around the world. 

So: thank you very much !!

Well, ok, let's go to the subject: the Frost Giant !

The Frost Giants are characters mentionned in the Scandinavian mythology, in which they are called Hrimthursar. They are endlessly fighting the Gods. Their ancestor is Ymir, the first of the giants. They are the oldest inhabitants of the world, of which they know every secrets and magic.

This giant is probably the last mini that I will paint this year. Here you a few other pictures, alone and with a Orion viking for size comparison.

This mini was originally designed as a character for Zombicide: Black Plague boardgame. When I first saw it, I immediately imagined the color scheme to turn it into a blue giant, and I must that the result does not disappoint me.

What do you think of that big guy ? Your comments will be once more very appreciated. Oh, he is meant to have a fellow giant, but I will paint that one next year. Happy new year everyone :)

36 commentaires:

  1. Fantastic work on this giant Phil!

    Happy new year!


  2. Very nice ! Congratulations for the so good way the Philotep records went till now

    And I think I saw this frost giant story before...

    Funny that you got the giant from zombicide hehe; mine came from Blood Rage

    1. ... and happy new year to you and everybody too!!!!

    2. Exactly! I knew I had to do something similar when I saw your project :)

  3. Excellent. Just like from Thorgal comic book.

  4. Majestueux et magnifique, bravo!

  5. Thanks! Not even a conversion, just another color scheme.Happy new year!

  6. WOW. First all all congratulations for your 100s post!
    I think you made a fantastic choice in the frost giant. He does look superb! He reminds me a lttle bit to the frost giants from comic strips, so it's perfect!

    1. Thank you Hightower.
      Something to do with comics, yes probably :)

  7. Great choice of mini Phil and the paint job is fantastic!. Happy 100th post and a happy new year!.

  8. Congratulations 100 posts in 2 years is impressive!

  9. Very very nice! Where are you get this Giant model? Is it 54 mm?

    1. Thanks! This model comes from the boardgame Zombicide: Black Plague. It was in a limited edition extension designed by Steve Howe.

  10. Absolutely beautiful! Congrats on your 100th post too

  11. hallo mein freund
    der sieht top aus dein frostman
    woher stammt die figur
    und klasse bemalung wie immer

    1. Hallo Guido, wie geht's ? Dieser Frostman kommt aus einem Figurenpack dass Steve Howe für Zombicide Black Plague gezeichnet hat.

  12. Congratulations on 100 posts. The Zombicide giant looks like it would be a good match for the old Heritage frost giants.

    1. Thanks Eric! I didn't know this site, thanks for the link.

  13. Iconic figure. Reminds me of worlds of Thorgal, Conan... simply stunning.

    1. Thanks ES. Yes, that's the sort of Fantasy illustrated here.

  14. dake für die antwort mein freund
    mir gehts gut hoffe dir auch
    und freu mich auf deine figuren
