
vendredi 4 octobre 2019

Could you stick to the plan, please ?

Well, the answer is "No" I'm afraid.

Instead of painting dozens of Orcs and Goblins, I have been wandering here and there on the net, and I had another look at Paul's ACW regiments. That's all his fault! First I wanted to buy a confederate infantry set, because there was a photographer and his ancient camera inside. And the more I looked at the resting soldiers, the more I wanted to paint some. I also remembered that I had some old sets by Airfix, Revell, ESCI and Italeri somewhere, I looked for them, found several foot soldiers, and began to represent several regiments, North and South.

So today, this October post isn't an Orctober post. For those of you not interested in Fantasy, it's probably a welcome break :)

Anyway, these are the first figures on this blog related to the American Civil War.

As for the Germanic warriors, I think that these figures from several manufacturers and made in different decades fit well together.

Hope you like them :)

Edit 4/10/2019: A zoom on an Airfix figure, a Union soldier painted grey, with a bayonet added on his rifle.


22 commentaires:

  1. Disregarding the plan? Bravo! This is a hobby not a job!

    (and excellent painting makes it even better!)

    1. Thanks Ross, I warmly agree with your opinion regarding a hobby :)

  2. More amazing brushwork - you are back with a Rebel Yell Philotep.

  3. Très réussies ces ces figurines!

  4. Booo Boring real human soldiers with rifles...
    Apart from Jokes, they look very good, I always love mixing diferente sets añthough sometimos they are difficult to mix, when it works it is great to win vaerity which also gives realism, even in uniformes Two idéntical soldiers in any army

    1. Thanks Sceavus, you made me lough :D I promise I go back to Orcs, I'm currently painting wargs for my Orc riders.

    2. He he you dont need to promover anytjing, you provided already 3 entries for orktoberfest while I could not still finish my first one this year!

    3. Well, they're on the desk for at least 3 years, time to move!

  5. My Fault!!!? :-)
    Great painting..I really like the officer waving his Sword.
    I suppose even if it´s Orctober it doesn´t just have to be orcs?

    1. Your very fault!!! I was attracted by the green bases that reminded me of the Britains Reetail soldiers created in the 70s. And I Ross wrote above, this is a hobby, so not only Orcs... but some however.

  6. Awesome work! I may or may not have searched PSR to find the set with cameraman you were speaking of. Thankfully I can convince myself to avoid buying that set but that is indeed a wonderful figure.

    I must say though that the orcs are the ones you should really be apologising to. We are just fine with this excellent miniature content. The orcs are the ones who's month you have infringed upon.

    1. Thanks. You're right regarding the Orcs, even if I won't paint only their kin. I planned to paint a big Orc warrior with a foot on a dead Uruk-Hai, so two sorts of Orc at a time :)

  7. Anything you paint looks absolutely great, so I don't mind this "shameful distraction" :)

    1. Thanks X_BriX. I've never been able to focus on a single subject, and I really don't like to paint the same mini twice, a sort of handicap when you pretend to paint armies :D
      Let's keep in mind that this whole hobby is a distraction.

  8. Lovely as ever sir, maybe next time you could just replace the heads with orc ones then you would satisfy both camps!.

    1. Hmm, I'm crazy enough to try this sort of conversion... :-D

  9. You've captured the look perfectly, very nicely done
