
dimanche 6 octobre 2019

Wargs in vanguard

Ok, this is Orctober, I have to stick to the plan, at least a little.

This evening, I managed to paint two Orc riders on Warg (between a Reb and a Union zouave), and since I already had painted one in 2017, I now have a frightening scouting party of three riders.

Let's have a look:

I chose the same color scheme for the three Wargs, and as a result they look too uniformed in my opinion, so I will have to find something else for the next ones (probably grey, and maybe one black).

Unlike the Wargs, the riders are not that easy to paint: lots of details, at least 3 or 4 shades of brown on each mini. So a bit long, but they are worth it.

What do you think ? Ah yes, more Orcs, many more... still 25 days in Orctober :)

20 commentaires:

  1. They look amazing, but you're right wargs are too uniformed I think black one would look terrifying.

    By the way I started painting some Imperials this Orctober to fight all the green-skins so check them out :)

    1. Agree regarding the wargs, the black one will be for a leader. Oh I'm very curious to see your production, I'll check your blog right now.

  2. Beautiful minis beautifully painted these are some of my favorite 1:72 minis and you have done a great job on them.

    1. Thank you. I agree, one of the best sets by Dark Alliance, and almost no flash!

  3. Nice. The one Thing with the sets containing wargs..they are all the same poses, still nice poses but too much of a good Thing is sometimes not good.

    1. I´m really going to have to dig out my unpainted orcs..I´m stuck in a "paint as many medieval* Coats-of-Arms as I can find" at the Moment.

    2. *Medieval? Perhaps or perhaps not :-)

    3. Hi Paul! Good thing if I inspire you for this Orctober period, I always like to see your painted minis. Yes, 6 poses only is a bit short, but it's better than none. Have you ever imagined to have such minis in 1/72, let's say, 10 years ago ?

  4. Beautifully done, even more so for the scale 🖒🖒🖒🖒

  5. Very good warg riders! We are still on 6th orctober, so plenty of time for more WAAAGH!

  6. orcsome work! Do quite like these minis. Perhaps if we do another D&D campaign with in my little friend group I shall have an excuse to get some. Then again I am just as likely to upset everyone by throwing in a tank or two. Eat Hesh you elves.

    1. That makes me think that there are some grenadiers in one the Dark Alliance half-orcs set, I should add some explosive to my Orc army, arf arf

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