
dimanche 13 octobre 2019

The Mummies return, and they look angry

In September, I came back to the brushes after a hiatus of 9 months with this mini, a mummy from one of the new Dark Alliance Fantasy sets.

The painting was correct in my opinion, but it revealed difficult and long. Since I still believe I can paint complete armies, I immediately painted a second mummy using the drybrush technique, in order to speed the process up, but I was disappointed with the result: not enough contrast, the mini looks flat.

Then I started a third one, with more dark washing, and more highlight. And then, at last I thought it was ok - long, and rather difficult if you ask me, not an easy task to highlight the cloth strips one by one.

Well, enough with the technique, let's have a look:

Can you guess the order in which I painted them ?

The mummy in the center of the picture above is the first one: it looks ok, but the painting lacks precision, and a bit more contrast would be great.

The mummy with drybrush: not a good idea, almost no contrast. There's only one mini left, let's have a closer look:

This one is better... except that it is too clean for a mummy just coming back from the tomb !!
But this is Fantasy, so... I do what I want :)

There are three layers or four layers of paint on every part of this figure, which explains why I find it long and difficult, but I will paint the others with this method.

Oh, and regarding the size, maybe you wonder how they compare to other references. A couple of pictures of these guys into action will give us an answer.

The mummies are fighting against Caesar ancient Egyptians. The latter are a bit smaller, but the difference is very slight, so I can keep on preparing both camps for a bigger fight.

Just need some skeleton chariots... a strong conversion in perspective!

Hope you like them :)


14 commentaires:

  1. Great mummies Philotep, I like them a
    Not worried about the size..these are the Pharaoh chosen to go with them to the Afterlife, so they must be the tallest, strongest, tue best.
    Not sure why are they fighting Egyptians.. Why not supporting their living comrades against the enemies of Egypt?
    Your skeletical chariots sound quite interesting, do you have any idea for the horses??

    1. Hi Sceavus, thank you for your comments. I don't worry about the size, but I know that it is an important factor for some of us. Why are they fighting Egyptians ? Let's say that they are the army of the usurper who sent the mummy's master to Anubis :)
      Regarding the chariot, if think that the easiest thing to do is to use horses from the undead sets by Dark Alliance, and chariots by Atlantic or, event better, Caesar.

  2. Loving the miniatures. Certainly one of the cooler fantasy tropes out there so it is nice to have some nice plastic minis for them. Really impressed with the more recent output from Alliance. I got one of their old half-orc sets (still surprised they haven't been sued yet for that) and it was caked in plastic. Got their more recent stalker sets plus the one set of zombies and survivors and while there's some excess plastic it is far better than before.

    Once again some really cool miniatures. Eagerly await to see what becomes of this rumoured skeleton chariot.

    1. Thanks Gowan! Yes, compared to their previous refenreces, the last sets are much better, and the future very promising :)

  3. They look great! Love what you done with the eyes!

    1. Thank you! I tried to copy what better painters do on 28mm figures, but I'm not happy with the result yet.

  4. Awesome work on these Phil, I do need to get hold of some.

    1. Thank you. yes, you need to get hold of more and more minis :-D

  5. Great work Phil, the mummies look great painted up. It's also refreshing to see that they're using bronze weapons.

    1. Thank you Eric. For the weapons, I just decided to stick to what I know regarding ancients Egyptians, so bronze weapons.
