
dimanche 20 octobre 2019

Careful with that axe...

One more post related to Orctoberfest.

After several successes on the battlefield, the strongest and wildest warriors of the Orc horde are allowed to join a group of elite warriors named the Skull Warriors. They wear warpaints on their body, and some of them use fearsome two-handed axes.

These guys below are good examples of such warriors:

A closer look on the two-handed axemen:

The ordinary warriors look almost enjoyable in comparison :)

So this is what I could paint this week-end. Still 11 days before the end of Orctober, and the picture of the whole clan !

On my todo list:
- 3 heavy warg riders
- 2 archers
- 1 chieftain with an injured Uruk-hai enemy
- 1 troll

Hope you're not fed up with Orcs...

14 commentaires:

  1. Skull Warriors.I Like em :-)
    Only 11 days left! I´ve got a "few" more to paint yet..will I make it in time!?

    1. Thanks Paul! Only 11 days, and my own todo list seems too big...

  2. More super brushwork Philotep (and most of a Pink Floyd song title!!)

    1. Thanks Maudlin, and for the title, YES, you guessed right :) Makes me think that I must change the current LP to listen to...

  3. Wooagh we like skual worrioooorz!! Go ,boyz, go, boyz!!!

    1. Hi Sceavus, you must have eaten a chainsaw, I really don't understand what you're saying :-D

    2. Ey, never thought that game workshop orcs spoke so badly because of having eaten crude metal tools, good finding!
      Congratulations for you savage Orcs, lot of personality on them!

  4. Great work and a great way to deepen the character of the group. I hope you manage to get through the to do list, its been wonderful to see the orc horde coming together. By the end of the month you will have an army!.

    1. Thank you. I hope so! Eveything's started except for the 3 warg riders... and I forgot to mention that I also have 3 uruk-hai to complete, including the musician of the month!

  5. I like em. Suitably intimidating. Interested to see their mates. Never fed up with orcs.

    1. Thank you. I try to paint characters and not only warriors, that's probably why it takes soooo long.
