
jeudi 9 janvier 2020

Star Wars Imperial Assault: a Jawa

This is another figure for Star Wars Imperial Assault boardgame, a Jawa. You surely remember the little creatures with yellow eyes, wearing brown cloaks and living in the desert of Tatooine.

This guy is one of them:

In the next picture, he's fighting in a duel against a Rodian mercenary - although smaller, the Jawa stands his ground... probably because there's a dozen if his kin not too far :)

Let's examine him from all sides.

Not too difficult to paint. You just need to use different shades of brown for the cloak, the leather belts and the weapon.

Hope you like him :)

9 commentaires:

  1. Excellent work Phil, for a gun toting wrong'un he's very cute!.

  2. Superb! The browns and metals are very well done indeed!

    I always wondered what Jawas were supposed to look like beneath their hoods ...

    1. Thanks! If I remember correctly what I read on Wikipedia, they are supposed to be very pale, hence they hide under large cloaks to protect themselves from the sun.

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    1. You don't seem very interested in my post, but thank you anyway for coming here :)
