
samedi 18 janvier 2020

Star Wars Imperial Assault: a Wookiee

A new mini for my collection, on the Rebellion side this time: a Wookiee.

You all know about Chewbacca, the giant hairy creature seconding Han Solo in his adventures, and co-pilot of the Millenium Falcon. Chewbacca is the first Wookiee we see in the saga, a creature from the planet Kashyyyk (3 'y', yes,not me, I just checked on wikipedia).

The figure below represents another Wookiee, such as those who fight on their home planet in the third episode of the Saga, Revenge of the Sith.

In this movie, Kashyyyk is a tropical world covered with forests...

... large enough for many many Wookiees!!

But I've painted only one so far.

Not much to explain about the painting: dark brown as a base, then some highlights with drybrush, the easiest thing to do on a hairy figure.

This Wookiee joigned the Rebellion to fight against the stormtroopers and their auxiliaries.

That's all for today. Hope you like him :)

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