
mardi 28 avril 2020

Flying Dutchman Crew - Hadras

Today, let me introduce you Hadras, a damned pirate from Davy Jones' crew. If you have seen Pirates of the Carribean movies, you certainly have noticed a guy whose head is in a shell. The head was replaced by a coconut during a fight on an island, and the body began to move and eventually forgot his head on the beach.

Mars has produced a couple of sets representing the movie characters, mainly pirates of course, and Hadras is one of them, here:

Here are the pictures I found on the net to get some inspiration.

I've already painted other pirates from the same set a few years ago, here is another picture gathering the crewmen:

Not the best figures in the world, but interesting to paint - what do you think ?

14 commentaires:

  1. They look great. can't wait to see the rest of the crew!

  2. Nice guys! But don't want to meet them in the tavern

    1. Agree, I tasted once a beer with seawater flavour, it was... can't describe it.

  3. Awesome job. The sin tones are wonderful

  4. Tres bon travail Philotep; il est pas beau, ce lui la!

  5. You mean that he reminds you the last time you ate bad mussels ? ;-)

  6. Great job as always Phil. i placed and then removed these sets several times in the buying chart at my usual figure retailer, never was brave enough yo buy them.. I should do It finnally, the set has potential for Chaos aberrations

    1. Thank you! Oh nice idea, to add some of these guys in a Chaos army...
