
dimanche 3 mai 2020

Pirates of the Caribbean: skirmish on the dock

Hi everyone!

My Flying Dutchman crew needed to raid, they found a small coastal town with a dock, and even opponents to fight against. Come on, the battle begins!

1. Skirmish on the dock

2.The Making of

First of all, let me introduce you the two teams. I've already painted a small group of Zombie pirates, three crewmen of the Flying Dutchman, from left to right:
- Palifico, whose head is covered with coral
- Maccus, first mate of Davy Jones
- Hadras, already presented here.

I also added a zombie pirate, though he should be crewman on the Black Pearl. All Mars minis.

To defend the dock (and the city), a few mariners took their poor weapons and tried to stand before the horrible crew. They are Hät minis, from mini set #8325 British Marines and Fighting Sailors.

What about the dock ? No, not scratchbuilt alas. It's a piece of scenery I bought once in a local shop - just needed to paint it. It is designed for 28mm figures, but I thought it might be ok for 1/72 figures. Ok, the crates and coffer are a bit too large, but I think it works well enough.

And what about the sea ? My first idea was to paint some piece of paper to represent water, waves and maybe the coast, and I think I will do something like that one of these days, but it will take days before it is over, and I wanted to take pictures today (first day without rain for at least one week), so I needed something ready to use. Mrs Philotep (nicknamed NeferCaro on this blog :)) proposed me some blue crepe paper. Nothing extraordinary, but good enough. The first pictures looked like that:

Nice but really flat. Then she went to the kitchen and came back with some plastic film. A layer of plastic over the blue paper, and this was it:

Brilliant, isn't it ? It is maybe a common trick for miniature sceneries, but I didn't know it, so Mrs Philotep takes credit for this very good idea!

Last thing (see the edit below), I changed the color of the sea to turquoise with my computer, and there you are:

Hope you like them all, even the ugliest ones :)

Edit: I just found a way to replace the blue of the sea by some turquoise, which is much more realistic, so I've replaced all the pictures in this post.

10 commentaires:

  1. A superb idea of Mrs Philotep. It's a wonderful arranged little scene and I like it!

  2. Excellent set up. I also use The thin plastic foil for water effects. I don´t know if it´s common but it´s quick and easy...except the plastic is so thin it keeps getting into odd shapes :-)

    1. Thank you Paul. Sometimes I wander whether you invented this hobby...

  3. Superbe scene et tres bien Madame Philotep pour la brilliante idee!

    1. Merci Maudlin, je transmets le compliment à Madame Philotep dès que je la vois :)

  4. Quelle belle empoignade! Magnifiques figurines et mise en scène!

  5. Awesome! Love them!

    I suspect some kraken tentacles are nearby... ;)

    1. Thank you! Since you are a pulp lover, I'm not surprised that you appreciate this scene. Some tentacles, what a good idea, it might not be too difficult to build from scratch, I will think of it...
