
dimanche 16 août 2020

Asuraman, Jesse Maybia and the Ninja

I keep on painting Kinkeshi figures, that's rather funny and recreative. I've taken pictures with my smartphone, so I apologize in advance for the quality. Let's have a look.

On the left, the first figure I've painted a few days ago, Sishkeba Boo. You will notice that his skin is shiny, more than the others - I suppose I didn't mix my paints well enough - it was the first use after a break of several months. Another element is that I didn't prime this mini - maybe it had an impact on the result, too.

Now let's have a look at the new ones. The first mini on display is Asuraman (Kinkeshi No.82, M.U.S.C.L.E. No. 70). In the manga, this character is a prince from the Demon world. His name comes from the buddhist and hinduist mythology in which the Asuras are described as demigods with three heads and four or six arms.

Those who are familiar with Kinkeshi figures will find that this figure is not an original Kinkeshi, but a copy - there's no mark at the back of the figure. Indeed, this figure comes from the Cosmix range, that copied some of the Kinkeshi range. Moreover, it is plastic and not rubber.

Nevertheless, the figure is interesting and I am quite happy with the result. Ashuraman will make a perfect god in my (future) ancient Indian army! You can see below Ashuraman together with 1/72 Ancient Indians by Hät - Oh my God, unpainted figures on this blog ! :-)

Next mini, and far less impressive, is Jesse Maybia (Kinkeshi No.32, M.U.S.C.L.E. No.10). Jesse is a human wrestler from Hawaii. He looks like a lifeguard, probably because of his swinsuit, though swimming with a metal helmet and golden shoes must not be that easy. Once again ,this guy is a Cosmix, and not a real Kinkeshi.

Last of the three, a figure representing a Ninja - The Ninja (b) in the Kinnikuman range (Kinkeshi No.184, M.U.S.C.L.E. No. 96). Again, a Cosmix figure.

11 commentaires:

  1. An Another nice work Philotep ! My favourite is Asuraman but the other are nice too!

    Nice paint !

  2. These figures are interesting, for sure!

  3. Very fond memories of M.U.S.C.L.E. men wrestling in my oatmeal!

    1. Welcome BaldingNinja, thank you for your comment. Nice to know that it reminded you good memories.

  4. Very nice job sir. Great idea using them as gods and monsters with smaller troops

    1. Thank you very much. Yesss, monstersss, even better than godsesss :)

  5. what is this Phil??
    I left for some months and now you collect and paint funny fat figures ?? hahahahahaha Nice to meet you again

    1. Hi Sceavus, very very nice to read you again :)
      Oh I just needed giants for my 1/72 fantasy armies, I think that Asuraman will be my first champion !

  6. Superb Painting!

    The unique id recognition code i prefer to leave on all my figures.
    It is a treasure trove leading to somewhere i guess? Greetings BB
