
lundi 14 décembre 2020

2020 Advent Calendar: Day 14

I needed one more sunny scene, and maybe this feeling is shared by those of you who live in the northern hemisphere.

For day 14 of the Advent Calendar, we discover Normans sunbathing on the shores of Sicily.

The Normans are not only known for the invasion of England and the battle of Hastings in 1066. Some Norman mercenaries began to arrive in South Italy during the 10th century AD. At first, they served either for the Lombard nobles or the Byzantines. After a few years, they became strong enough to rule several counties and in 1061, they crossed the Strait of Messina and began to invade Sicily, that was ruled by several Muslims lords. We see here three Norman knights on the shore near Messina, standing but ready to fight.

On a technical point of view, the most funny thing to do in this scene was to create a credible Mediterranean Sea for the background. I must admit that I don't know what the area of Messina looks like - maybe my sea is closer to the Atlantic Ocean :D

Hope you like them anyway. See you tomorrow !

19 commentaires:

  1. Doivent pas avoir froid en Sicile avec leurs superbes armures...CHouette!

  2. Réponses
    1. Thank you! I've just had a look at your blog, and I realized that you wrote a post describing a battle between Muslim Sicilians and Normans very recently, funny :)

  3. These are quite splendid. Great to see these Strelets Normans 'hanging out' at the beach. They are a bit over-dressed for a swim though! :)
    Regards, James

    1. Thank you James! Tough men, in those days, not afraid of a bit of swimming... and armours are very convenient in case they meet crocodiles ;-)

  4. I find your Sicily too wet and cold..Are you sure they did not get Lost and went back to actual Normandy?
    Nice job wherever they are :)

    1. Maybe they've just discovered New Zealand much earlier than we thought... :D

  5. Awww now I want to be there too!. Another lovely scene Phil. I can just imagine gh hitching up their mail for a quick paddle.

    1. Get prepared for day 16, I'm not sure you will want to go there... you'll tell me :D

  6. I really like the guy with the axe over his shoulders. Great work as usual!

    1. Hi Eric, thank you for your comment! There are some very nice poses in this set, I find them more interesting than the fighting ones.

  7. I always like it when soldiers have patience! Wonderfull figures in great poses.


    1. Thank you Peter! Yes, maybe the best idea by Strelets.

  8. J'admire ton savoir faire! On voit une multitude de détails alors qu'il serait facile de les noyés tellement ils sont petit.


    1. Merci! C'est pour cela que j'admire les peintures du 15mm, voire du 10mm, car il a généralement autant de détails que sur les figurines au 1/72e !!
