
mardi 15 décembre 2020

2020 Advent Calendar: Day 15

So far, this calendar has displayed only one rider, a French Hussar. It's probably time to show some more, at the head of another fierce warband.

For Day 15, we have a look at a group of Ancient Germans on horse.


In ancient times, the area between the Rhine and the Danube was covered with forest. When the Germanic tribes were going to war, they gathered in warbands and fought mainly on foot. As in the Celtic world, the noblemen could buy horses and fight as riders, so most Germanic armies had a few cavalry units with them.

We can see below three riders armed with javelins and shields, running out of the cover of the trees. They look rather impetuous...

Of course they're not alone, since they're heading the main warband of their tribe. Or they going to attack the Roman fort of day 13 ?

These Strelets figures will be based together as a 3Cv element for DBA or L'Art de la guerre.

Hope you like them. See you soon :)

12 commentaires:

  1. Really like the shields of these riders! Great contributions of the day!


  2. They look really good, I especially like the last picture with the rest of their friends charging after them....or are they chasing them?.

    1. Good question! Maybe they are Quadi raiding through a Marcomanni village ?

  3. Very nice! Perhaps they could also double as Rohirrim!

    1. Yes, why not ? I had planned to use Goths riders (more heavily equipped, with helmets and sometimes mail shirts) before Dark Alliance released their two sets of "Nomad steppes".

  4. More wonderful Strelets figures painted beautifully by you! This is great fun to follow each day.
    Regards, James

  5. Un jolie travail comme d'habitude, j'imagine la finesse des lances... La galère pour les redresser j'imagine !

