
samedi 5 décembre 2020

2020 Advent Calendar: Day 5

The fifth image of the Calendar represents a winter scene, again - winter is almost here after all :) Only one  figure, a french hussar during the Napoleonic wars.

This rider belongs to the 5th regiment of hussars (ex "Hussards de Lauzun"). During 1806, the 5th regiment, together with the 7th, formed a Light cavalry brigade under the command of General Lassalle. They took part of the 1806 winter campaign against the Russian Empire and were involved in the battle of Golymin (December 26, 1806).

Our man is scouting in the area of Golymin just before the battle. His sword is drawn because the place might be occupied by Cossacks. But so far, the forest is quiet and the sky rather bright.

The white uniform revealed extremely pleasant to paint. These Italeri hussars were released in 1996, but they are still among the best Napoleonic figures ever made.

This is the first post related to the Napoleonic era since January, the last one was dedicated to the fusiliers-grenadiers of the Imperial Guard.

See you soon :)

14 commentaires:

  1. Superbe mise en scène et figurine...Bonne chance à lui quand même, doit pas faire chaud, et même si l'uniforme est magnifique, pas sûr qu'il soit adapté😊...MAGNIFIQUE!!

    1. Merci Phil. En effet, en cette saison, notre bonhomme devrait porter un grand manteau, mais je n'ai pas de telle figurine, et puis l'uniforme blanc sur fond blanc, inévitable :)

  2. Very nice. The whole scene looks great.

  3. Superbe travail, j'aime beaucoup celui la il est dynamique sur le cheval! très beau boulot et belle mise en scène ! tu as de quoi faire un beau décor de noël ^^


    1. Merci. Ah oui, les sapins en plastique de Botanic, isolément ils ont l'air bien ridicule, mais si on aménage un peu la scène, avec une bonne prise de vue, on peut y croire un peu :)

  4. As always, excellent and inspirational!

  5. Wonderfull paintedI As said before I like your painting style!


    1. Thank you Peter, your appreciation is always welcome.
